Ben Wattenberg is Dead Wrong — As Usual

I’ve been watching Ben Wattenberg’s PBS program, “Thinktank,” for quite a while now. That’s not because the party-lining neocon is especially interesting, nor is it due to his guest line-up, which is usually so wonkish — or so neoconnish — that the effect is either soporific or irritating. No, the reason I catch at least the tail end of it is because it comes on right before “The McLaughlin Group,” which I don’t want to miss a nano-second of. Over the years, however, I’ve grown rather fond of ol’ Ben Wattenberg, with his old-style Scoop Jackson Social Democratic-style warmongering and his genuine bafflement that anyone could dispute the neoconservative party line. I’ve found myself yelling at the tv: “Hey, Ben, c’mon — you don’t really believe that, do you?” Never did I ever expect he would one day yell back.

He did it on his “Wattenblog“:

Justin Raimondo is dead wrong 

“Lyndon Johnson used to say he was a free man, an American, a Texan and a Democrat — in that order. I believe Joe Lieberman has the same hierarchy of values, with the state changed.“Fifty or a hundred years from now the USA will be known in larger measure because we promoted and purveyed the values of liberty, democracy and human rights. Justin: You have a problem with that? The jihadist islamo-fascists want to destroy America through fear — fear of plagues (small pox, anthrax etc.) and through massive conversion to a religion some of whose adherents condone terrorism. Wake up and smell the coffee!