Foley the One-Handed Warrior

ABC News revealed this afternoon that Foley was engaging in “Internet sex” with a teenage boy while Foley was voting for the Bush administration’s Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriation in 2003.  

ABC reports:

This message was dated April 2003, at approximately 7 p.m., …

Maf54 [FOLEY]: I miss you
Teen:   ya me too
Maf54: we are still voting
Maf54: you miss me too

The exchange continues in which Foley and the teen both appear to describe having sexual orgasms.

Maf54: ok..i better go vote..did you know you would have this effect on me
Teen:   lol I guessed
Teen:   ya go vote…I don’t want to keep you from doing our job
Maf54: can I have a good kiss goodnight
Teen:   :-*

Bush often talks about the idealism of his war on terror and the nobility of congressmen and others who support his warring by burning tax dollars as fast as the IRS can vacuum them out of American paychecks.

We now know what Foley was doing when he voted to support scores of billions of dollars of additional spending for Iraq and Afghanistan.

But what were other pro-war Republicans doing at the same time?

How many other congressmen were metaphorically doing what Foley was doing actually?  

Comments/condemnations welcome at my blog here