A Christmas Card — from Satan

Reading this little news item is the equivalent of getting a Christmas card from the War Party. Read it, and weep.:

A man who authorities believe was an Army Reservist just called up to serve in Iraq was fatally shot by police today after a standoff that began Christmas night…. Dean’s family contacted police Monday night, saying he was armed and threatening to kill himself, the sheriff said. Dean later told police he would shoot anyone who entered the house.

Dean was despondent about several things, including recent orders for him to go to Iraq, the family told authorities. Dean had returned in 2005 from a year-and-a-half tour in Afghanistan. Cameron did not know what reserve unit Dean served in…. About noon, while police were preparing to use gas, Dean came out the front door and pointed his weapon at police, Cameron said. At that point, a deputy shot Dean once, killing him.

Is this what they mean when they say our military iis “broken“? Well, then, so is this family, along with god knows how many others.Â