US Admits to Aiding Terror Attacks on Iran

“A Pakistani tribal militant group responsible for a series of deadly guerrilla raids inside Iran has been secretly encouraged and advised by American officials since 2005, U.S. and Pakistani intelligence sources tell ABC News.”

Read the rest.

UPDATE: As expected, Glenn Reynolds has no problem with the terrorism. The journalists who reported it, on the other hand…

More on Glenn’s new friends here and here. That the U.S. should not be assisting these people in any way is beyond question. Whether the term “guerrilla” is preferable to “terrorist” is worth debating in this case, as in any other – they seem to focus on military targets rather than civilians. But any group in the beheading and car-bombing business is automatically labeled “terrorist” when the U.S. and its allies are the targets, so let’s at least use terms consistently. I know, I know, “moral equivalence” …