It’s About Time

From Laura Rozen, writing on the Mother Jones blog:

“It was only then, after the Serbian occupation had been driven out, that I learned an ugly lesson: that sometimes when the oppressed are liberated, they act with the brutality of their former tormenters. In the aftermath of the 1999 Nato intervention in Yugoslavia, ethnic cleansing continued, only this time the majority of the atrocities being meted out were by the majority Albanians against the province’s minority Serbs, Roma, and Turks. It was a phenomenon witnessed later in the aftermath of the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.”

Yes, but one has to wonder: how come it took so long to learn — or publicly aknowledge — this lesson? At least the neocons — or some of them, such as Francis Fukuyama, and Andrew Sullivan — had the class to utter a few mea culpas within a reasonable time-frame. Except for Laura, however, the Clintonian interventionists, are still touting their great “victory” — nearly a decade after the horrific results have been all too apparent.