Ron Paul at CPAC: ‘People Don’t Like Us Propping Up Dictators’

Ron Paul supporters appear to be dominating this conservative event. Yesterday, Cheney and Rumsfeld were booed with calls of “Where’s Bin Laden” “murdering scum,” and “draft dodger.”

Here’s Ron Paul’s speech:

Immediately after the speech, Ron was interviewed by Wolf Blitzer:

33 thoughts on “Ron Paul at CPAC: ‘People Don’t Like Us Propping Up Dictators’”

  1. This is when the ruling elite is going to start getting really dangerous. They are going to rally the wagons around themselves and martial the police state they have built up to quash dissent in overt and covert ways- and the last vestiges of any sort of independence in the nearly controlled corporate media are going to evaporate.

    Having people shouting "murdering scum" at them is a wake up call to them. When ruling elites get scared . . . watch out.

    1. No doubt, B-man. I'm reminded of one senator's claim of being blackmailed with economic terrorism by the Goldman-Fed-Treasury thugs in the run-up to the big bailouts. (Not that the senator himself was acting on a culpability/self-preservation complex or anything, of course.)

    2. They will encourage extreme Islam all over the world while pretending they are against it.

  2. Hah! Old Wolfie. What a bozo. With a name like Wolf Biltizer it sounds like, and he looks like, he should be commanding a German U boat. I think he made that name up for the first Gulf War when he had his mug all over TV.

  3. “People don’t like us propping up dictators”. No kidding! Some of us don’t even like us propping up racist, land-stealing, apartheid, governments like Israel one bit either.

  4. "People don't like us propping up dictators". No kidding! Some of us don't even like us propping up racist, land-stealing, apatheid nations like Israel one bit either.

    1. Some of us Americans also don't care for "us" propping up domestic dictators here in the Heimat either.

  5. and on the morning local news when they discussed cpac they never showed ron once, one quick, nameless shot of his son, some guy i have never heard of insulting palin, romney, and then palin for longer then all the others combined. wth

  6. Wolf Blitzer grew up in Buffalo, New York, the son of Jewish refugees from Poland. He graduated from Kenmore West Senior High School and received a B.A. degree in History from the University of Buffalo in 1970. While there, he was a brother of the nationally Jewish fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi. In 1972, he received an M.A. degree in International Relations from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies.

    During his tenure with the Jerusalem Post, Blitzer interviewed several American Presidents and Secretaries of State and broke news from Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan. At the time, he was perhaps best known for his coverage of the arrest and trial of Jonathan Pollard, an Israeli spy working in American naval intelligence. Blitzer was the first journalist to interview Pollard, and he would later write a book about the Pollard Affair titled Territory of Lies.
    In the mid-1970s, Blitzer also worked for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee as the editor of their monthly publication, the Near East Report. While at AIPAC, Blitzer's journalism focused on Middle East affairs in relation to United States foreign policy.

    He no German.

  7. I've tried to post some links here about him,but each time I get the something like this:
    "Your comment must be approved by site admin.before it appears …."

    This happened over three times just today.I wonder why?

  8. Ron Paul won the poll from CPAC again this year. Reuters and others are quoting "political analysts" who say he has no chance of winning the nomination despite this. Who the heck put them in charge? Money did. Ron Paul has it right, audit the Fed. Follow the money. Everything else the establishment does will unravel thereafter. The people of Egypt have shown us how to rid ourselves of the status quo and make a stand for Liberty. Putting Ron Paul in charge and sweeping the establishment out would go a long way towards that goal.

    1. Putting Ron Paul in charge and sweeping the establishment out would go a long way towards that goal.

      Alas, since "the establishment" is in control fo the process of putting someone "in charge" (i.e., into the office of the presidency), Ron Paul has about as much chance of ever acceding to the office as you or I do.h

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  10. I read a report that when Ann Coulter was asked during her speaking engagement at CPAC about journalists jailed in Egypt (Coulter had earlier lamented that we "abandoned" Mubarak), she replied that more journalists ought to be jailed. The audience responded with loud applause.

    I don't know if what I read was an accurate account, but if it was, then the CPAC crowd that attended Coulter's speech is very pro-dictator.

    1. Q: "What is more important to American values? Being friends with Israel still or knowing there are jailed dissidents and journalists?"

      A: "What do you mean "knowing there are jailed journalists"? I think there should be more jailed journalists."

      OK; Coulter was being her usual sarcastic self … the question seems to have caught her off-guard … but the audience roared with approval at her response.

      Media Matters & Max Keiser have the short clip available, 39 seconds.

  11. "governments should never be able to do anything you can't do"

    Uh… like establishing a monopoly jurisdiction by fiat, backed by force?

    "if you can't steal from your neighbor, you can't send the government to your neighbor to steal for you"

    As in ALL taxation?

    So basically, if Ron Paul honestly believed what he said, he'd be a libertarian (i.e., an anarchist). But he's not, he's a Constitutionalist (minarchist), a position that requires violating the two quotes above from his speech.

  12. Money did. Ron Paul has it right, audit the Fed. Follow the money. Everything else the establishment does will unravel thereafter. The people of Egypt have shown us how to rid ourselves of the status quo and make a stand for Liberty. Putting Ron Paul in charge and sweeping the establishment out would go a long way towards that goal.

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