Before his term is up…

Chances are we'll be at war with Iran before the next president takes office – and that's more than just a rumor.

Plans are already being drawn up for air strikes against Iranian targets. Military assets are being moved into position, and the administration's war rhetoric is heating up. Hardly a day goes by without Washington holding Iran responsible for the killing of U.S. soldiers in Iraq. (Of course, we all know who's really responsible.)

In short, the need for has never been greater.

Four times a year we turn to you, our readers and supporters, to keep our heads above the rising waters. Yes, we know it's rough these days, and many people are just scraping by. But imagine oil at double its current price. And then think of your tax-deductible donation to as an investment, one well worth making.

We'll be here all week, hectoring you – but remember, it's for a good cause: peace. Before we can achieve that we need to change our foreign policy of relentless aggression and perpetual war, and that won't happen unless and until we educate the American public. Political candidates come and go, their promises mostly unfulfilled and forgotten – but is the sleepless guard on the watchtower warning of perils to come.

This is a very modest operation, especially given what we're up against. We don't need much to keep going. But we do need something, and that something must come from you – if it comes at all. That's why we need your contribution, no matter how small, and we need it as soon as possible. When the bombs start falling, you can count on us to report the real news. Now we're counting on you to come through for us. Make your tax-deductible donation today.*

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*If you contribute $200 or more, you will get an autographed copy of Justin Raimondo's just-reissued Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative Movement, the story of how the neocons took over the conservative movement and buried the true history of the anti-interventionist Right. It exposes the radical origins of neoconservatism while harking back to an older tradition of opposition to foreign wars. And if you contribute $500 or more, you will get a personally-inscribed copy of the book (your choice of message).