Letters to
We get a lot of letters, and, up until now, haven't had the manpower to deal with posting them, let alone answering them. But that sad state of affairs is at an end with the inauguration of this "Backtalk" column, edited by Sam Koritz. Please send your letters to backtalk@antiwar.com. Letters may be edited for length (and coherence). Unless otherwise indicated, authors may be identified and letters may be reproduced in full.

Posted June 23, 2001

Deserve to be Shot

You guys are sick. I am flabbergasted at your article. To begin with, to call an elected government the "junta" is such an obvious distortion and sophist crap. You remind me of the Trotskyists of the 60's and 70's that I knew in school. Unfortunately, not anywhere near the intelligence of Trotsky himself. But very effective propagandists.

If the Palestinians are victorious, you will be among the first rounded up and shot. And you will deserve to be for your stupid and blind support. Just like the germanophile Jews who couldn't understand why they were included on the lists of those being sent to the death camps, because they were "good Germans." You fools!

~ IAW, Ontario, Canada


Why is your website called Antiwar.com? …You guys are against war, but only war against Slavs, which is deserved because of the mistreatment of the Albanian people. In one of your articles you call William Walker "Mr. Massacre," but Milosevic is more deserving of that name. Your website is a pro-Serb website, which is against the U.S. for rightfully bombing Serbia. The UCK are fighting for the Albanian people's rights in Macedonia. You guys are against that cause the Slavs have rights in Macedonia. I think that the Albanians deserve the same.

~ R. Camaj

The Backtalk editor replies:

As Antiwar.com's editorial and political credo explains, Antiwar.com was founded by American anti-interventionists, not pacifists. The Albanian uprising in Kosovo led to NATO's bombing and occupation of Yugoslavia – and the creation of the largest post-Vietnam US military base, Camp Bondsteel. US interventionists have aided the Albanian rebels in numerous ways, so it's hardly surprising that Antiwar.com's columnists view the rebels as an aggressive proxy army.

Prickly, Preachy, & Pedantic

Just a quick note to compliment Mr. Raimondo on yet another great column, …on the awful review of Stinnett's book by ex-Air Force staff wallah Judith Greer.

Frankly, I couldn't even get all the way through her piece; chucked it after the first three pages. Ms. Greer has long had a reputation at Salon's Table Talk as a prickly, preachy and pedantic left/liberal harpy and now she finally got a chance to ramble on for five pages with the same old claptrap she's peddled on TT for the last few years.

~ D. Hardy

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