Serbian Government Discovers Clan Plot to Topple Authorities
Hague Brotherhood' Behind the Assassination
Glas Javnosti
April 8, 2003

Translated by Nebojsa Malic

"Patriotic forces" were to seize power * Assassination of several Government members was planned for March 14 *

Belgrade (FoNet) – From the police and criminal justice standpoint, the case of Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic’s murder has been "more or less" resolved, indicate the sources in the Serbian government, because the main perpetrators are mostly in jail already. The sources noted that this has only "scratched the surface" of this tragedy, and called on the society to be strong enough to "go all the way."

Djindjic’s murder, it is noted was part of a clearly premeditated scenario to overthrow the government and install the so-called "patriotic forces" in its place. According to the same sources, several groups were behind the assassins: the "Hague brotherhood", the association of all opponents of the Hague Tribunal, the Zemun criminal clan, political parties dissatisfied with the division of power and the influence of DOS, as well as those who lost their business positions after the October 5 reforms, bringing into question the origin of their property and funds.

Guided by the principle of common enemy and fear of reforms, it is indicated, they joined forces after the extradition of Slobodan Milosevic to the Hague Tribunal and formed a "concentric network" in not only Serbia, but the [Bosnian] Serb Republic as well. This network, according to the same sources, was strengthened at the time of last September’s presidential elections in Serbia, after which there was to be a coup d’etat. When the elections failed, and again in December that year, they decided to take more radical steps and murder Djindjic.

After the March 12 assassination, the plan was to cause chaos in Serbia the same evening; to put up "Stop to the Hague" placards all over Serbia on March 13; to launch a rumor that Djindjic was murdered because of his connections with organized crime; and to accuse the Government of treason. For March 14, say the same sources, they planned to assassinate several other individuals, members of the Government or political figures, in order to plunge Serbia into panic; this would enable the Special Operations Unit members ["Red Berets"] and some other armed groups to go out into the streets and "protect" the citizens of Serbia.

In that chaos, as the sources specify, there was to be an idea of a joint government. Criminals would receive an amnesty. A dozen or so clan leaders would have been executed, for appearances’ sake, and everything would be blamed on the Surcin clan and some Government members, headed by Djindjic. This way the problem of organized crime in Serbia would have been solved according to Legija’s recipe.

That, as it is presented, was the scenario that was several months in preparation, and could not have been executed without "contacts" at various levels [of the administration].

Original Serbian Text Follows

Vlada Srbije otkrila scenario klana za rušenje vlasti
Iza atentatora stajalo "Haško bratstvo"

* Planirano dovođenje na vlast “patriotskih snaga” * Za 14. mart bilo je predviđeno ubistvo još nekoliko članova Vlade

BEOGRAD (FoNet) - Sa policijskog i kriminalističkog stanovišta, slučaj ubistva republičkog premijera Zorana Đinđića je “manje-više” završen, jer su svi glavni izvršioci uglavnom u zatvoru, ocenjeno je u izvorima Vlade Srbije, uz napomenu da je time “samo začeprkano” šta sve stoji iza ove tragedije i zalaganje da društvo mora da ima snage da “ide do kraja”.

Ubistvo Đinđića je, kako se napominje, bio jasno pripremljen scenario rušenja vlasti i dovođenja kvazi-patriotskih snaga. Iza počinilaca atentata je, prema istim izvorima, bilo nekoliko grupa: “Haško bratstvo”, koje je okupljalo sve protivnike Haškog tribunala, zatim zemunski klan kriminalaca, potom političke stranke kojima nije odgovarala raspodela političke moći i uticaj DOS, kao i oni koji su, posle promena 5. oktobra 2000, izgubili poslovne pozicije i za koje se otvorilo pitanje porekla njihove imovine i novca.

Kako se dodaje, oni su se, po principu zajedničkog neprijatelja i straha od promena, spojili posle izručenja Slobodana Miloševića Haškom tribunalu, formirali “koncentrične krugove i mrežu”, što se odnosi ne samo na Srbiju, već i na Republiku Srpsku. Ova mreža se, prema istim izvorima, učvrstila u vreme predsedničkih izbora u Srbiji septembra prošle godine, posle kojih je trebalo da dođe do prevrata. Kada su ti izbori propali, kao i oni u decembru iste godine, onda su odlučili da idu na radikalne metode i ubiju Đinđića.

Posle atentata 12. marta, scenario je bio da se iste večeri u Srbiji izazove haos, da se 13. marta gradovi po Srbiji izlepe plakatima “Stop Hagu”, da se u javni opticaj pusti priča kako je Đinđić ubijen zbog veza sa kriminalom, a da se Vlada karakteriše kao izdajnička. Za 14. mart, dodaju isti izvori, bilo je predviđeno ubistvo još nekoliko ličnosti, članova Vlade ili političara, kako bi u Srbiji zavladala panika, što bi omogućilo da se na ulicama pojave Jedinica za specijalne operacije i neke druge oružane formacije i stanu u “zaštitu” građana Srbije.

U tom haosu, kako se precizira, trebalo je da se rodi i ideja o nekoj zajedničkoj vladi, aboliraju kriminalci, verovatno zbog paravana ubiju vođe desetak klanova i sve pripiše surčinskom klanu i jednom delu vlasti na čelu sa Đinđićem, čime bi problem organizovanog kriminala u Srbiji bio rešen po Legijinom receptu.

To je, kako se predočava, bio scenario koji je pripreman nekoliko meseci i koji sigurno nije mogao da bude urađen bez “kontakata” na raznim nivoima.

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