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Supporters' Comments

Saturday was another great day of"Pledge Week" bringing the new supporters total to 650. We especially like our new Monthly Sustainers! If you have not done so already, please pledge and help keep alive!

Thank You!

Pledge Week has revealed just how important our work is and how many readers sincerely value what we do each and every day. We would like to thank every one of our new supporters for their generosity and kind words. Below is a sampling of the wonderful emails that we received in response to our plea for donations.

Supporters' Comments
June 26, 2003

Thanks for your AMAZING website. Fascinating.

I sent you a check in the mail 2 days ago. I didn't pledge, I just sent money. I hope you raise a bundle.

D. Belanger

June 25, 2003

Just mailed you a cheque for $25 yesterday as a donation. Wish it could be $2500!!!

Thanks for the great site. I read it everyday.

Keep up the good work.
Mrs Donna Schwieder
Occupied Arkansas CSA

Keep up the heroic work and you got my pledge. I have already contributed to and ACLU and others. You are great. I wish I knew why Delay continues with his cruelty and anti justice ways. I wish I knew why Ashcroft is anti fairness and a persecutor of the innocent. I believe that goodness will pevail. But you got my pledge.

Rima Taliaferro (Tulsa, OK)

June 24, 2003
Just want you to know that I have just placed a check in the mail. Thanks for your good work.

I want to thank you for continue keeping me inform about what is going on in the world.

Have a good day.

David Godoy. has been my homepage for more than a year now. I'm not a Libertarian, far left from it; but this is the best site on the web for news and opinion, with links to a wide variety of views. I love this site--even though I'll probably get ulcers and high blood pressure from what I read every morning! Still, reading Raimondo is the best cure for what ails me. Another donation to best!

Suzanne DeBolt

Hélas, I doubt it is tax-deductible here in France. :-)

No matter, I am a frequent visitor to your site and it has been my best source of English-language news these past few months.

I appreciate your work and consider it an honor to be able to assist you.

Best regards,

Victoria FERAUGE
Suresnes, France
June 23, 2003
It is not tax deductable in the UK. It really doesn't matter, but I hope it helps. Will try to donate $250.00 by year end, but not on a monthly basis. Keep up the good work. team:

This may be the most important site for Americans on the web today. I found it via my link to the Lynn Sammuels website, a talk show host in the NYC area. I visit the site maybe 5 times a day to read the various articles and look for new links. Justin Raimondo is a great writer! In some ways he reminds me of my favorite author/analyst Gore Vidal. In any event he is a great writer in his own write (HAHA!!) and I enjoy him immensely. I hope he comes to visit the Washington DC area sometime to speak.

Great job with this site. I have donated $50 as a commitment to help keep it going. If there was ever a time the country needed a site like this it is now.

Best wishes,

Paul Karitis


In response to's Pledge Week, I've just made an online donation. This site is one of the most valuable peace resources on the net and highly deserving of support. I hope your call for donations gets a generous response from your many readers!

Warm Regards
Miles Smoljo

Just want to thank for it's terrific pundits, articles and unbiased reporting. Although, I did get the shock of my life, when I clicked on a story last week, and was sent to! After all, I do have principles, and I could not make myself read the article, the title said it all. Something about the Christian Fundamentalists support Israel, now there's a big shock. So, instead, I wrote a scathing email to Fox and told them how I felt about their reporting, their channel, and their fearless leader. It did make me feel better.

So, how about it, people..............although I don't have a lot of money, I have pledged to give what I can to each month and help continue to get the best reporting out there. It is my homepage, and I wouldn't start the day without it. Let's keep it going!

Beth Bobko, NJ Services
MONDAY: and the Mass Media has become an important resource for tens of thousands of readers every day. Eric Margolis of the Toronto Sun writes:

Americans would have been totally misled had it not been for such Internet sites as, Bigeye and LewRockwell...

TUESDAY: Running a Website

Keeping a daily news and opinion website up and running is a complicated venture. On top of the dozens of hacker attacks we receive daily, deals with a large amount of traffic and email. Tens of thousands of visitors demand a stable and working website. In order to fufill these needs, we recently switched hosts in a move to upgrade our services and speed.

WEDNESDAY: Original Columnists

Twelve original columnists, each with their own perspective and style, brings a unique flavor to Justin Raimondo – author of "Reclaiming the American Right" and writer for the American Conservative – pens a column that appears three days a week. Matt Barginer's "Collateral Damage" and Alan Bock's "Eye on the Empire" ensure that our readers understand the true costs of American foreign policy.

We also have regular columnists from all over the globe: Ran HaCohen writes from Israel and Pradful Bidwai from India. For a accurate assessment of the Balkans and the downfalls of US intervention, readers look to Nebojsa Malic's weekly column. Finally, Joseph Stromberg's biweekly analysis of American foreign policy and intellectual history,reveals how far America has strayed from its once revered traditions. Gathering all these minds and organizing them on is a arduous task, one that requires a staff and competent editors.

WEDNESDAY: Us vs. the War Party

So here it is Day 4 of's Pledge Week, and we're getting there – $16,600 raised so far! But that is just a drop in the bucket as far as countering the MILLIONS available to the War Party. The neocon thinktanks, magazines, and mass media outlets regurgitate a constant stream of b-s every day, every hour on the hour, covering up the crimes of this administration and whooping it up for war. Let's even the playing field just a little bit more! We know times are hard, but just imagine a world without Pretty horrible to contemplate, eh? Okay, then, you know the drill: dig deep in those pockets, and make your 100 PERCENT TAX DEDUCTIBLE contribution ASAP.

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