What’s Up, CNN?

Brad Biggers writes:

    I wanted to point out the tremendous discrepancy between CNN’s “transcript of [bin Laden’s] remarks” and al-Jazeera’s “full English transcript” of bin Laden’s videotaped speech released last week, as reported on those networks’ Web sites.

    The al-Jazeera version is 2,299 words long, and states that it was translated from the subtitles that appeared at the foot of the screen in Arabic.

    CNN’s purported “transcript” is only 699 words long, and says it was translated by an editor.

    Numerous other differences can be found between the two transcripts. These differences are mostly omissions on CNN’s behalf; however, at one point the two transcripts were in polar opposition to one another:

    (from al-Jazeera) We have found it difficult to deal with the Bush administration in light of the resemblance it bears to the regimes in our countries, half of which are ruled by the military and the other half which are ruled by the sons of kings and presidents.

    (from CNN) We found no difficulties in dealing with the Bush administration, because of the similarities of that administration and the regimes in our countries, half of which are run by the military and half of which are run by monarchs.

    Perhaps CNN is unaware of the meaning of the word transcript?