Camp Casey Attacked

The hate campaign conducted by the War Party against Cindy Sheehan has finally culminated in an attack on “Camp Casey,” the site of a growing protest against the Iraq war in Crawford, Texas, according to this report. Apparently, a man in a pick-up truck barreled into Camp Casey, and, wielding a chain, knocked down 150 road-side crosses representing the Iraq war dead. The truck then suffered a blown-out tire, and law enforcement, we hear, have the man in custody.

Sheehan has alerted her supporters that the Secret Service is pressuring her to leave Crawford. According to this report, Thursday morning the residents of Camp Casey were jolted awake by a fourteen-car convoy of Secret Service SUVs, as the drivers leaned on their horns as they passed the camp at high speed. Earlier, a local resident, Larry Mattlage, fired his gun in the air in the vicinity, and, when asked why, replied:

“We’re going to start doing our war and it’s going to be underneath the law. Whatever it takes.”

A more accurate description of the War Party’s agenda and methodology could hardly be articulated.

Stay tuned to for updates ….

UPDATE: If anyone looks the part, it’s this guy.