I think that I will use the following from Don Boudreaux the next time I receive a "you don't support the troops" emails: Libertarians understand in their guts that flags, anthems, marble domes and columns, fancy titles, embassies, and majoritarian-voting procedures...
Believe the Military?
Numerous reports have surfaced on the web claiming that the US government is covering up thousands of US deaths from the war in Iraq: There is excellent reason to believe that the Department of Defense is deliberately not reporting a significant number of the dead in...
Gasp! Double Standards!
President Bush was asked whether the release of the photos of Saddam would incite violence: Well, you asked me whether or not that would inspire people. You know, I don’t think a photo inspires murderers. I think they’re inspired by an ideology that is so barbaric and...
4 US Troops Killed in Iraq
In the last two days, at least 4 US troops have been killed in combat in Iraq. On Thursday, one US soldier was killed by an improvised explosive device detonated near Hawij. Today, one soldier and two Marines were kiiled while "two others were wounded as the result of...
Server Maintenance
The Antiwar.com server will be down from 2 - 2:30 am EDT on Sunday. We apologise for any inconvience.
New Pledge Option
I added a monthly donate option via Paypal to our donate page. As with our credit card option, you can choose any (positive) level of monthly pledge. Check it out.
Casualty Page Update
The "Casualties in Iraq" page now tallies the total US troops killed since the January 30th election in Iraq.
Another New Feature
Want news and viewpoints by country but don't want to find it on our new Regional News page? We have a new way to find links for any country in the world. Say that you want news on Afghanistan. Simply type the following url into your web browser...
Another Reason to Donate
I added a new feature to our Quotables that appear on most pages. Just find a page that has a random quote on the top (see here), click on the quote's author and you are sent to that specific quote on our quotes page. As we continue to update the database, this will...
In Case You Missed It
We have introduced a new section: "News by Region." There you can find news and viewpoints on Iraq, China, India or any other country in the world, updated throughout the day. Check it out.