All Points Bulletin

Diana Moon sez:

    I leave it to the big boys to analyze this’n, meanwhile, please go to page 9, where Bush, or his speechwriter, essentially admits that the largest portion of “the enemy” is composed of “rejectionists”, that is, Sunni Arabs “who are against a new Iraq in which they are no longer a privileged elite.”

    So, the next time someone says that the insurgency is manned mostly by foreigners, quote the President.

And if anyone sees the warbloggers returning to the foreigners-are-the-insurgency trough — and it won’t be long before their little snouts are right back in it — please drop me a line:

Pelosi Bows to Pressure, Backs Murtha

House Democratic leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco), has bowed to pressure — see here, here, and here — and has announced she is now backing Rep. Jack Murtha’s “out in 6 months” resolution on Iraq.

Of course, is not taking credit for this sudden turnaround — that belongs to her antiwar constituents, who kept up the heat on her. But we are glad that we had something to do with reversing what I called “The Shame of San Francisco.”

It’s a long way from shame to pride, but let’s see if Pelosi can now go the whole distance …

Fire Rumsfeld

The Cunning Realist makes the timely argument, working from this Rumsfeldian "epiphany."  Read the whole thing, but here’s a quote:

" For Rumsfeld to try to wish away an overwhelmingly indigenous resistance as if it were no more than a stray neighborhood dog is not only the height of hubris, it’s utterly reckless. It also indicates that Rumsfeld lives in the same sort of dangerous bubble as Bush."

A Leader Like This Doesn’t Come Around Every Millennium

“For misleading the American people, and launching the most foolish war since Emperor Augustus in 9 B.C. sent his legions into Germany and lost them, Bush deserves to be impeached and, once he has been removed from office, put on trial along with the rest of the president’s men. If convicted, they’ll have plenty of time to mull over their sins.”

Where’s that quotation from? The Nation? Air America? Some fringe libertarian magazine?

Not exactly.