John Mearsheimer: ‘Why Are They Making Gaza Unlivable? It’s Very Simple, They Want To Drive the Palestinians Out’

On 15 May 2024, I was in Sydney, Australia, where I spoke at the Centre for Independent Studies about the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East. I analyzed both the war in Gaza, which started on October 7 and continues to rage; and the fighting between Iran on one side and Israel and the US on the other side, that took place between 1 April and 19 April 2024.

I then assessed the consequences of these two conflicts for Israel, the US, and Iran.

Editor’s Note:   This is a very informative and insightful talk.   I learned a lot. ~EG

Reposted from John’s Substack with permission.

An Important Message From John Mearsheimer

Dear Reader,

There are two problems in the United States these days and they are closely related.

The first problem is that the Biden Administration is in deep trouble on the foreign policy front and the trouble is almost certainly going to get worse. The Ukraine war is going badly for both Ukraine and the West, but U.S. leaders show no signs of wanting to negotiate a settlement and, instead, seem committed to making this a forever conflict. Gaza is another horror show. It simply has no solution since Israel has no intention of allowing the Palestinians to have a sovereign state of their own. To make matters worse, the United States is complicit in Israel’s murderous policies in Gaza. This conflict is now causing huge trouble on campuses around the country, which is making America’s poisonous politics even worse. Moreover, there are real dangers in East Asia, where there is an ever-present possibility that China and the United States could get into a shooting match. And there are further armed conflicts taking place in Africa and other regions of the world. Something is badly wrong with U.S. foreign policy.

Continue reading “An Important Message From John Mearsheimer”

John Mearsheimer Interview on Gaza and Ukraine

From John’s Substack:

I did another interview with Freddie Sayers on 12 December 2023.

Much of it focuses on my substack article on Gaza: “Death and Destruction

Freddy questions me on whether a realist like me can offer moral judgments on another state’s behavior — as I do regarding Israeli behavior in Gaza. He pushes me on all sorts of other issues involving Ukraine as well as Gaza.

Also see:

An Important Message From John Mearsheimer

John Mearsheimer is the Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago and one of the leading foreign policy scholars in America. Here’s what he has to say to you. Also, read his new article, “Death and Destruction in Gaza.”

Dear Reader,

It is amazing how much war there is in the world today. Not only is there a major conflict raging between Russia and Ukraine, which has been going on for close to two years and shows few signs of ending, but also now there is a deadly war between Hamas and Israel in Gaza. Unsurprisingly, the United States is deeply involved in both conflicts, backing Ukraine and Israel to the hilt, even as the latter wages a bombing campaign that is killing huge numbers of civilians. There is also an ever-present danger that both conflicts will escalate horizontally, bringing more countries into the fight. Then there is East Asia, where China and the United States are engaged in an intense security competition that could easily turn into a shooting war. And if that were to happen, there would be a danger of nuclear weapons being used. Of course, there are further armed conflicts taking place in Africa and other regions of the world. History is back with a vengeance!

Continue reading “An Important Message From John Mearsheimer”