Neocon Marc Ginsberg, former US ambassador to Morocco, appeared on MSNBC’s “Hardball,” the Chris Matthews show masquerading as an “expert” — as Matthews called him — descrying theEgyptian  uprising as a plaything in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood.
This is not at all surprising: Ginsberg is the same guy who described the Tunisian uprising as representing Al Jazeera’s “penchant for regional anarchy” — the people’s desire for freedom apparently had nothing to do with it.  Gisberg is a longtime warmonger and outspoken supporter of Israel whose views are so far from removed from reality — never mind “expertise” — that the distance can only be measured in light-years. “It doesn’t matter what the people in the streets want,” Ginsberg intone: “The Brotherhood is the largest most organized political organization in the country.” But why doesn’t it matter what the tens of thousands in the streets want? Are they just pawns?
I suppose the Israel Lobby had to get its two cents in, but the brazenness of this kind of nonsense is astonishing. Matthews just sat there and failed to challenge the “expert.”
The reality is that the Brotherhood is practically invisible in these protests: there are no leaders, no organizations, no party programs — just the people, outraged, rising up against a tyrant. The Brotherhood, as even the War Street Journal recognized, “was taken by surprise by the protests.” This revolution was organized by young people, both secular and religious, both Muslim and Christian, who are united by one thing: a hatred of tyranny.
Shame on Chris Matthews and MSNBC for giving a platform for Ginsberg the slanderer.