I’ll See Your Barbaric Decapitation Videos…

And raise you a death and dismemberment porn site. A reader alerts me to this post by journalist Helena Cobban about a porn site that allows free entry to U.S. soldiers in exchange for their “gory” photos from Iraq and Afghanistan. WARNING: CONTENT IS EXTREMELY VILE AND NOT REMOTELY WORK-SAFE.

An announcement at the top of the forum reads

    If you are a U.S. Soldier stationed in Iraq, Afghanistan, or any other combat area and would like free SUPPORTER access for the site, you can post real pictures you or your buddies have taken while you have been deployed.

    This section is for the gory ones so that people who do not wish to see that kind of stuff can just not go in here. I also do not want already published pictures that were taken by news people. This is supposed to be an area where we can see pictures posted by the solders themselves.

    Just post your pics like you normally would and when I see them I will approve you for free access to the wife and g/f area. There have only been a few people cheat from this but I do now know what kind of pics to expect from the guys over there. So please do not waste my time if you are not a military person by just posting iraq pics you found on CNN or something.

    Keep up the good work over there guys, we love seeing your pics.

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