Myers: Saleh Not In Charge of Fallujah

salehtoolanThis is too funny:

Myers: Former Saddam General Not in Charge in Falluja

Gen. Jasim Mohamed Saleh, a former general in Saddam Hussein’s army, is not in charge in the volatile Iraqi city of Falluja and is still being vetted for a possible peacekeeping role, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on Sunday.

“The reporting to date has been … very, very inaccurate,” Gen. Richard B. Myers told Fox News Sunday. “We’ve gotten a lot of help from tribal sheiks and other folks.”

“… The reports of that one general … Gen. Saleh that you’ve just mentioned … and there’s another general as well … They are being vetted as we speak by the Iraqi minister of defense and the Iraqi provisional authorities.”

“They have not been vetted, they have not been put in charge,” Myers said.

However, ” … we think we are very close to having Iraqis help achieve our objectives in Falluja,” he said.

Saleh is a former general who once belonged to the elite Republican Guard of ex-ruler Saddam Hussein’s army.

You can almost smell the burning rubber as they slam on the brakes.