Quarterly Fund Drive

Will Antiwar Radio Be Silenced?
Act now to keep the voice of peace alive!

For the last year and a half, Antiwar Radio, featuring veteran radio personalities Scott Horton and Charles Goyette, has been bringing you the best the antiwar movement has to offer. From last week's exclusive interview with War Inc. star John Cusack to in-depth discussions with experts such as Juan Cole, Patrick Cockburn, Gareth Porter, Naomi Wolf, Matt Taibbi, Daniel Ellsberg, Nat Hentoff, Chris Floyd, Andrew Bacevich, Michael Scheuer, Wesley Clark, Chalmers Johnson, Scott Ritter, Rep. Ron Paul, Robert Pape, Glenn Greenwald, Chris Hedges – whew! – the hits keep coming and Antiwar Radio's popularity keeps growing.

Even the War Party has been compelled to sit down with us. Where else could you hear top neocon Michael Ledeen or the now-infamous Rev. John Hagee sputtering their way through a real interrogation?

We've taken the gloves off – and delivered a knockout. The Phoenix New Times has dubbed Charles Goyette "Best Talk Show Host," while journalist James Bovard calls Scott Horton "one of the best-read, hardest-hitting hosts in the biz." As the Austin Chronicle put it when giving us their award for "Best Iraq War Insight and Play-by-Play":

"Antiwar Radio offers high-caliber commentary and guest interviews on the ongoing Mideast misadventure. Host Scott Horton, armed to the teeth with little-reported news and info, jettisons the pleasantries and PC radio lingo and tells listeners how it really is. As an added bonus, Horton often verbally lays waste to those seeking to prolong the billion-dollar bloodbath."

But Antiwar Radio may go off the air, so to speak, if Antiwar.com's spring fundraiser doesn't meet its goal. Where else will you hear such a diverse array of voices – and interviewers who actually know what they're talking about?

We're strapped for cash, and fervor alone won't pay the bills. We can't carry on without your support. Are you willing to give up Antiwar Radio – perhaps even more? If not, then don't delay. Please donate today.*

Sorry for the interruption.
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*If you contribute $200 or more, you will get an autographed copy of Justin Raimondo's just-reissued Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative Movement, the story of how the neocons took over the conservative movement and buried the true history of the anti-interventionist Right. It exposes the radical origins of neoconservatism while harking back to an older tradition of opposition to foreign wars. And if you contribute $500 or more, you will get a personally-inscribed copy of the book (your choice of message).