One Cheer for John Ashcroft

by | Aug 22, 2003

From the Justice Department’s new website pushing the Patriot Act comes this list of supportive quotes from the likes of Daschle, Feinstein, Biden, Edwards, and Schumer (brief pause to spit after enunciating that last one). Note that all of the statements by these and other Democrats, most of whom have come to oppose the Patriot Act, are from October 2001, when our Congressmorons were rushing to pass a bill that none of them had actually read. Who knew that John Ashcroft–who lost his Senate seat to a corpse–was this politically astute?

Anyway, serves the invertebrate bastards right to have their words thrown back at them. They sold their souls (and, I fervently hope, their reelections) without checking the large print, much less the fine.