Putin Did It

I see Putin is going ahead with his trip to Tehran in spite of rumors that he’s to be assaulted by suicide bombers or captured. One has to say, however, that if the Russian president is assassinated, he’ll probably be blamed for plotting his own demise. After all, he’s been blamed for the death of practically every Russian “dissident” and half-baked journalist, from the nuclear poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko to the shooting death of Anna Politkovskaya.


12 thoughts on “Putin Did It”

  1. Oh Great! The War Party, which is hitting 0.144 in the AA League (Afghanistan and Iraq), is demanding to get some play time in the Major Leagues.

  2. Yes the man who can help Iran the most is going to be assassinated by Iran. Just how do the Americans no this? HMMMM…. oh yeah maybe because they are the ones planning on assassinating him, they do have a black ops team there, they said so themselves. Waht better way to ruin the ties between Tehran and Moscow then kill the Kremlin and blame it on Iran.Damn these guys are smart. Thankfully most of us are smarter.

  3. the alleged plot would more likely come from Iran’s sunni minority. I know a sunni guy who is perterbed about the growing aliance between certain muslim groups and russia because of russias issues with chechnya, who are jihadists obviously.

  4. Whoever was plotting this assassination might want to think twice now about carrying it out. The odds of it being successful are now extremely small in my opinion. Putin’s security detail will be beefed up with even more layers of security and the Iranians will more than likely provide additional security on their end. Additional road blocks, check points, snipers on roof tops, plain clothes special forces operatives and full road closures will all come into play even more so now. From what I gather the Russian FSB and Iranian MOIS intelligence agencies are some of the best around. Nothing will be left to chance.

    If the U.S. was hoping to prevent Putin from going to Iran by informing the Russians about this plot then that ploy just backfired. All eyes will now be on the Russia and Iranian meeting.

  5. I think anybody understand bloody well where these threats come from. Qui bono?

    “Israel” of course, but they are not getting away with it just as they did with Folke Bernadotte, Arafat, Hariri etc.

    1. Russians will know who killed Putin! Like they also know who was behind the morder of the two Russians dissidents they try to bleme on Putin. Russians know they were mordered to make Putin look bad and they know who the morderer is. History should tell these Morons that it is extremely unwise to kick the Russian bear in the ass. Even a failed atempt will exelerate the demise of the West, specially the USA and Israel. Russia is neither Panama, Grenada, defencless Afghanista or Irak. Just remember how W.W. I started (and one can only wonder qui bono there as well). An attack agains Iran would unlash a hell more then the West could handle, just imagine what Russia can do. An NO ONE (except Americans) would be brainless enough to blame it on Iran or its leadership or any muslims. OUI BONO!!!!!

  6. Not so obviously. Of course of lot of people are mightily pissed off that their home region has been … thoroughly entropized by unregulated use of force and are looking for payback. Might have gone differently in 1999 if cooler heads had prevailed. But this is Russia, and they have their forms of blowback.

    The Good Ship Russia still needs steady hands.

  7. there is a private security firm who are going to be looking for work very shortly if he wants to contact them

  8. I’ve spent 12 years of my life in the US and went back to Russia, after US attack on Iraq. I prefer peaceful – authtoritarian or monarchy regime to aggresive, imperialist “democracy”. And Russia is closer to “Republic” at this time as compared to US.

    I have been reading everything I can find on the Internet in relation to Litvinenko and Politkovskaja – and I have found NO EVIDENCE whatsoever that is anywhere solid enough to stand in an unbiased court to the effect that either Putin or Lugovoj have anything to do with being responsible for these deaths.

    Even more – on December 2nd Parliament (Duma) elections I will go and vote for LDPR (Zhirinovskij’s Party) due to the fact that they have included Lugavoj (whome UK demands to be extradited) in their party list to be elected to the Parliament. I will do it in order to send a message to the US/UK.
    As well as to send a little message to Putin that I don’t like ER (UR) Party for not being able to provide enough of good (in my opinion) ideas/laws.

    Now – this “leak” and the fact that Putin would go to Iran would only drive his rating higher – he is one very rare politician that is not a covard. Yes, he is comparable to Ghandi afer all…

  9. bro vassili- you prefer autocratic regimes? You want to be locked in a gulag and write poetry on a bar of soap? That’s what the woman in the book I’m reading had to do. and they were very sad poems.

  10. I am both amazed and amused that Condi Rice, Ms. International Busybody, thinks she is powerful enough to give Putin endless unwanted and unwelcome advice. She seems never to cease in her constant stream of criticism of Russian internal affairs and how its government runs things, and how it SHOULD run things, etc, etc., etc. Full of busybody-ish advice she treats Putin like an errant school boy in need to admonishment by his teacher. The poor silly ass that she is, she doesn’t seem to have discovered that Russia is no longer weak and powerless and Putin is certainly not enrolled in her classroom.

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