One thought on “Joe Biden: Who’ll Stand By Our SOBs?”

  1. Senator Biden is not to be trusted. He is smart but with agenda. Mostly motivated by money he receives from various quarters.

    One of these groups is Albanian mafia whose leader is ex-congressman Giorgardi. This is but one example of murky politics controling Biden.

  2. Biden never ceases to amaze, and I often find myself wanting to ask, “If there is a real Biden person inside, will he please stand up?”

  3. Joe Biden is a homicidal psychopath. Everything he has ever said is psychopathic. This insane statement does not surprise me at all.

    And this raving psychopath wants to be Presieent of the US? Every country deserves the leaders it gets. He belongs in an insane asylum. But instead is in politics. Same difference?

  4. biden is just a washed up potilical trying for the big times–a bush want to be maybe no,yes with a higher inteeligence level at least–he talks tough and than backs off like a wimp–has a very high opinion of himself and trouble seeing his faults and fatal logic–after bush anyone would look good!!

  5. Russia laid off Georgia long ago – no need to call anybody… Moscow doesn’t need one bit of this rotting hellhole. Biden should worry more about the fate of ordinary Georgians. Few billion bucks would do. Oh, I forgot US is almost bankrupt, sorry.

  6. So if he crawled into a bear cage and mocked the bear which caused the bear to attack him, would he get on the phone and start blaming Russia because some bears live in Russia?

    Do these people really think there is some “evil” Putin conspiracy to make US friendly dictators look bad?

  7. Russia laid off Georgia long ago – no need to call anybody… Moscow doesn't need one bit of this rotting hellhole. Biden should worry more about the fate of ordinary Georgians. Few billion bucks would do. Oh, I forgot US is almost bankrupt, sorry.

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