Pentagon’s Biggest Lie? …WikiLeaks

So the pre-leak spin by the Pentagon is that they have already disclosed everything important that will be revealed in the next WikiLeaks document super-dump.

Obama’s Pentagon apparently believes that Americans are as gullible – if not mutton-headed – as the Bush Pentagon believed.

No surprises expected in WikiLeaks Iraq war dump: Pentagon WASHINGTON | Fri Oct 22, 2010 11:21am EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Pentagon said on Friday it does not expect any big surprises from an imminent dump of as many as 500,000 Iraq war documents by the WikiLeaks website.

“In terms of the types of incidents that are captured in these reports, where innocent Iraqis have been killed, where there are allegations of detainee abuse, all of these things have been very well chronicled over time,” Pentagon spokesman Col. Dave Lapan said.</


24 thoughts on “Pentagon’s Biggest Lie? …WikiLeaks”

  1. *Pentagon waves hand

    Pentagon:"There is nothing new in these documents"
    Media:"There is nothing new in these documents"
    Pentagon:"They can go about their business"
    Media:"The people can go about their business"
    Pentagon:"Move along"
    Media:"And moving along….Miley Cyrus caught drinking and driving?What does this say about our values as a nation?One psychologist says…."

    1. Top US Story on CNN:Bullied Teens fight back
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      1. wow, just wow. That says it all. It doesn't really matter then if we start concentration camps and exterminate people like the Nazis did. Americans don't care as the media continues to abdicate its role to hold the powerful accountable.

        1. Sorry JLS but your quote is all wrong "exterminate people like the Nazis did"
          Try "exterminate people like the Yanks/Brits have done for the past 300 years.
          FYI: There were no death camps. Never forget USA was an ally of Germany upto 1940. Death camps were started by Russians and Americans towards Germans after 1945 :^/

          1. Uh..huh.

            There were no death camps…

            Pull the other one.

            Death camps sure were a feature of Stalin's regime before the Nazis picked the idea up. But that's as far as it goes.

  2. Could have fooled me! Apparently the US military and our NATO alies don't agree with the US Pentagon. This just up today:

    Wikileaks release threatens troops, says US military

    The US military says the expected release of classified documents on the Wikileaks website could endanger US and allied troops and Iraqi civilians …

  3. Consider the possibility that Wikileaks is actually being run by the CIA or the Pentagon, in order to manage leaks that would probably happen anyway. Plus a little disinformation spread here and there can help shape the battlefield.

    1. Iop– How about you considering that the 19 Arabs with box cutters were CIA agents? Sorry dude but you are off track! Why would the CIA bother in releasing damaging military reports? I got one beef with
      WeakiLeeks–they don't want to touch 9/11 attacks. My guess is that,the real doers will kill him in no time–and planned MOSSAD accidents happen frequently in America.

      1. Linking actual corruption (or any secret program) to "9-11 truth" garbage is a pathetic attempt to belittle a legitimate subject.

          1. Your subject is entirely off-topic. An intelligence program, which Wikileaks could be, is irrelevant to "Bush did 9/11". That was only brought up sarcastically anyways, but you'd rather promote it as somehow more likely than the point I made about Wikileaks.

          2. –' entirely off-topic ' -The broad topic was a recent-release, you appropriately asked to what extent it could be trusted; to what extent the outlet(s) were co-opted. There is another recent-release, and the parallels are obvious enough (to most, I would think).
            –' "9-11 truth" garbage ' vs. ' legitimate subjects ' -Who's belittling?
            –' "Bush did 9/11". ' -An assertion I didn't make, so I won't argue whether it's irrelevent or not. I take it the straw-man is part and parcel of your belittling.
            –' rather promote it as somehow more likely than the point I made about Wikileaks ' -You get that sort of thing when you belittle (and pose a theory at that!).
            Again, Good Luck! May you find many many 'legitimate subjects!'

          3. Each time I suggest Wikileaks is run by the government, someone chimes in with "9-11 truth!" in some form. Whether cynically or seriously, the association is made.

            Let's stay on Wikileaks. I think it is very possibly an intelligence program, not a rebel-created threat to national security.

            Please don't say "Hey check out these 9-11 YouTube videos!"… What do you really think of this theory?

    2. Exactly. Think about it folks: If Wikileaks were a genuinely independent, rogue website, the USG would be sparing no effort of expense in employing its nascent cyberwarfare capabilities to shut the sight down. Instead, we get news stories in which Julian Assange comes forward with statements that he has approached the Pentagon with an itemized list of what he intends to publish and publicly seeks their "quality control" support by asking them to review the material for classification and sensitivity before releasing it. People, my many years of experience in dealing with the Pentagon and tells me that if ANYONE approached them threatening to divulge ANY form of classified information, that individual's front door would be kicked down, they would be seized and locked up, and held incommunicado until they divulged every single fact behind where they obtained the material, and who their sources were. And with the U.S. government's long-armed reach, foreigners like Assange would be beyond such a threat.

      Bottom line: The fact that Assange is still alive, breathing, and in control of Wikileaks, that Wikileaks is theatening to divulge more material, and that the site is still up and running tells me that the whole operation has full CIA/DoD/USG/allied backing as a disinformation operation. What has been leaked to date, and what will be leaked in the future, has already been vetted by DoD to be used as a "rubber bone" to be thrown to the anti-war crowd. The REAL dirt on what is going on in Iraqhanistan and beyond will never, EVER see the light of day!

    3. Consider the possibility that the intel stream is peppered with disinfo all by itself, quite independently of what is leaked. Surely not quite one-big-Abu-Zubaydah, but I'd betcha lots a tidbits you wouldn't feed your dog. It's almost narcissistic to think it's just 'them' lying to 'us;' they lie to themselves.

  4. And this is why, on most "mainstream" and "conservative" or "patriotic" sites, most posters think the
    American military is a force for good, defending us from evil. I don't know how we can change a country where public perception is so skewed by a totally controlled media. Even Hitler and Stalin didn't have media saturation like this.

  5. If indeed this is a case of 'Move along, nothing to see here'… why haven't these documents been made public already? If everything is 'well documented' why hasn't this information been available to the US public by its own government and military? Moreover, if this is all routine reports and such, why was it classified in the first place?

    If the Pentagon and White House are wringing their hands over the new document dump, you know they are wondering what they going to be caught out on this time- and the funny thing is, I think there are so many things they will be caught out on they don't know what to be afraid of the most.

    Sadly, though, other than for informational purposes, none of this will make any difference. Those in power will still be in power and those who exist only to fuel the Engine of State will continue their day to day lives in ignorance.


  6. @IOP writes:

    “Consider the possibility that Wikileaks is actually being run by the CIA or the Pentagon”

    Do you believe that Assange is part of this alleged conspiracy? If so, how do you explain his motivation? Would he go through a charade of being hounded by authorities in multiple countries for financial reward (when clearly, as we know, has more convenient sources of income). For the thrill of it? To the extent that he does seem to be someone motivated by the thrill of cloak-and-dagger, is it not more reasonable to think he is what he claims to be – a ‘hacktivitist’ turned whistleblower facilitator?

    Or do you believe Assange is somehow ignorant of the conspiracy? If so, to what extent is the CIA or whoever ‘running’ Wikileaks? Moreover just how effective or valuable could this be as an exercise in PR management? It seems to me that the benefit would be negligable, even if they knew the leaks would come out anyway. And if the leaks were to come out anyway, there would need to be another site like Wikileaks to facilitate this. To my knowledge there was no such site before Wikileaks. Supposing the CIA achieved a takeover of Wikileaks after its inception, wouldn’t they instead use it as a way to track down and imprison would-be whistleblowers, and furthermore reabsorb the leaked information in toto?

    I realize I’m making some pretty obvious (and laborious) points – at least to those of us who think Wikileaks is genuine – but I’m curious as to what those in the conspiracy camp actually think is going on here. Thanks.

  7. "Obama’s Pentagon apparently believes that Americans are as gullible – if not mutton-headed – as the Bush Pentagon believed."

    From what I have seen the O'bush administration is correct in it's belief.

  8. The truth is actually too god damm awfull for the sheeple to take on, and so the sheeple are quite happy to go along with what they are told. It is that simple.

  9. To be quite frank, none of these documents appear earth-shattering in their revelations. This leads me to suspect wiki-leaks as a "limited hangout" brought to you by your favorite little country. What makes me most suspicious are the references to Iran that could be used to justify war against her.

    So, take the pieces you can use and discard the rest.

  10. It was borderline laugh/cry time when watching the Today Show's report on Wikilieaks this morning. Wish I could get the video. Pentagon reporter Mike Mikilishcevski (ms) only briefly ran down the revolting activity mentioned in the leaks, but ended with this nugget: the big problem is what will the Pentagon do to stop these leaks going forward.

    So killing and torturing innocent civilians is not the big deal. The 'Real' problem is stopping the leaks. Sad, sad, sad.

    Peace be with you.

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