The Expected Pro-Israeli Policy…

News of the Israeli navy firing shots at another Gaza aid ship today has prompted reminiscence of the deadly and illegal attack on the flotilla aid ship to Gaza back almost a year ago now. The ship was carrying sewage pipes to solve what is apparently an ongoing problem in Gaza for many people living without proper sewage systems, threatening health and environment. Properly functioning sewage is apparently a luxury Gazans aren’t allowed to have, among many others.

This comes after George Mitchell’s resignation as well as the shooting and killing of unarmed Palestinian protestors just yesterday. The White House has released a statement on yesterday’s attacks with the ringing praise and support we’ve all come to expect. Given the fact that, as the Washington Post reports, “Israeli military officials have confirmed that preparations are under way to stop any new flotilla,” we can expect the requisite praise and support for this action too. It should, of course, always be reiterated that any Israeli military action against Palestinians is in fact a U.S.-Israeli action against Palestinians. The money, weapons, and political support that allows such Israeli actions comes directly from America.

Mitchell resigned “amid growing frustration over the impasse in peace talks.” He surely felt the negotiations were intractable. Well, of course they were. He had to operate within a very rigid constraint: unreserved, unwavering support for Israel and virtually everything she does. There is no viable settlement with that prerequisite.

A glimmer of hope to those less cynical among us is an expected UN Security Council Resolution for a Palestinian state existing within the pre-1967 borders in September. That deal has been accepted unanimously by the Arab League and even by Hamas. Israel has rejected it. George Mitchell lent credence to it, but he is no longer in the picture. The last resolution which gave a glimmer of hope – to call for the end of settlements – the Obama administration vetoed, so make of that what you will.

Obstinacy and aggression has been the protocol for U.S. policy in Israel-Palestine. September shall prove that position ongoing policy, or a fleeting fad.

10 thoughts on “The Expected Pro-Israeli Policy…”

  1. Palestine will be a de facto independent nation, and soon. Israel will just have to deal with it and either play nice or risk retribution from the rest of the Middle East.

    As for the US part in this, here's a thought: Palestine, resulting from years of abuse at the hands of the Israelis, is going to need to be built basically from the ground up. That means roads, water treatment and delivery, electrical power generation and transmission lines, phones and internet service- to mention a few infrastructure items, and that's not even looking at an eventual credible security / military force. There we're talking about building a modern army- even if a small one- from scratch, with all the boots and uniforms and jeeps and tanks and helicopters and whatnot that goes along with that.

    Who is going to supply all this? If the US doesn't get on board with Palestine being an independent nation, it may very well find itself out of the running for any of the nation-building. I'm sure France and Britain are looking for new outlets for civil industries as well as new buyers for military hardware- and don't forget the Russians and Chinese, who can probably supply everything cheaper and faster than anyone else- and I'm sure either one of them would jump at the chance to build right on Israel's border.

    If the US wants to get with the program and take steps to redeem itself vis-s-vis Palestine, it better wise up and smell the coffee- it's time to wake up from the Israeli-induced stupor we've been laboring under for decades. Palestine will be free, and it will need trading partners, and if the US doesn't want a piece of that action there are plenty of others lined up to take our place.

  2. "The ship was carrying sewage pipes to solve what is apparently an ongoing problem in Gaza for many people living without proper sewage systems, threatening health and environment."
    Yeah, the Israelis destroyed just about ALL of Gaza's infrastructure. Including sewage systems. Gosh, isn't that simply "humanitarian" of the Israelis?

    1. Raw sewage from Zionist settlements – I believe in the West Bank – have been pumped into Palestinian areas, including into their comparatively meager water supply…

  3. Iam no without a dought covinced that Israel is the most evil nation the world has ever known.Talk about genocide they get the number one spot as bad as American policys are that kill people around the world including there own citizens the only thing Israel don't do imagin if they had the military the US has they would be the only people alive.Actually they would die with all of us because the world would have no nukes because they would all be used and earth would be left for the roaches.

  4. I pray for world peace but know with men that will never happen.GOD needs to come for it to happen so hopfully we will see it in the next life but never in this one.I always wanted to have a kid when me and my wife had are wedding we did'nt think we could because a doctor told us a year or 2 before that because she had cervix cancer they would have to remove her insides.But thank GOD for secound opinions we now have a son thats almost 5.But as happy as I am to be a dad I'm scared what the future holds not for me for him and all children.Never worried untill I new what being a parent felt like now not one day goes by were I don't think about all peoples fait sometimes wish I did'nt know how evil the world is and I'm far from a saint but care about all life GOD save us but start with the children.

  5. Josh,

    Could you spare us your references to Israel as "she"? In doing so, you appear to betray a love for the J-wish State. Ugh.

  6. Israel don't do imagin if they had the military the US has they would be the only people alive.Actually they would die with all of us because the world would have no nukes because they would all be used and earth would be left for the roaches.

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