Russian Foreign Ministry: Neither NATO nor EU Says a Word About Julian Assange

by | Jul 5, 2021

In the United States, 18 criminal charges have been brought against Julian Assange, on which he faces up to 175 years in prison

“And after all, not a single EU or NATO summit has even touched on the fate of Assange,” she wrote in her Telegram channel. Zakharova recalled that the investigative journalist is now in a UK prison. “The term of his imprisonment, according to UK law, has long expired. But who cares about it in the West when there are so many interesting things east of liberalism,” she said.

According to Zakharova, this story is a bad look for Western liberal values. In addition, the methods, she noted, are not entirely legal. “We are talking about outright pressure, blackmail, and judicial forgery. But for the American repressive power machine, the methods are justified by the goals,” she said.

Rick Rozoff is a contributing editor at He has been involved in anti-war and anti-interventionist work in various capacities for forty years. He lives in Chicago, Illinois. He is the manager of Stop NATO. This originally appeared at Anti-Bellum.