On COI #264, Kyle Anzalone and Connor Freeman cover Washington and NATO’s latest escalations in the Ukraine war with Russia.
Kyle breaks down reports of American weapons shipped to Kiev disappearing into what an official called a “big black hole.” The U.S. is shipping billions of dollars’ worth of arms to Ukraine without an end in sight. Reports say the second $800 million package, in less than two weeks, will be announced soon. Ukrainian commanders are now acknowledging the presence of British troops in Ukraine training Kiev’s forces. American Senator Chris Coons has called for U.S. troops to be deployed to the battlefield as well.
Connor discusses his new article detailing the increased military assistance NATO is providing Ukraine including providing heavy artillery, tanks, drones, helicopters, and potentially fighter planes. The U.S. is refusing diplomacy with Russia, discouraging the Ukrainians from making reasonable concessions, and pouring fuel on the fire. The Pentagon, with the military industrial complex, is planning for a war that “lasts years.” Washington’s current strategy is a recipe for World War 3.
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