Conflicts of Interest: The Low Chance for Peace in 2023

On COI #368, Kyle Anzalone discusses the war in Ukraine.

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4 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: The Low Chance for Peace in 2023”

  1. 2022-12-26 Russia dropping US dollar for Chinese yuan – and fast

    In response to Western sanctions, Russia’s central bank is dropping the US dollar and will buy Chinese yuan on the foreign exchange market. The yuan’s share of Moscow’s currency trading increased from 1% to 40-45% in 2022, while dollar trade halved from 80% to 40%.×864.jpg

    1. There will be no “Happy New Year” no matter how much anyone partied. Biden, Graham and many other misleaders are provoking Russia and China into war. Russia and China should arm and train people in America’s war zones.
      It’s a good thing Russia is trading in the Yuan, the Allmighty Dollar will no longer be allmughty, it will no longer be the superpower of currencies.

      1. You understand the dollar dictatorship and how it is slavery for all and especially for all Americans. Which most are clueless about friend. Thanks for your time and comment friend!

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