Nichols countdown—0.5

(see 10 for introduction)
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A real road map for Middle East peace by John Nichols, December 30, 2004

Daily Yomiuri columnist John Jerney reporting, I’m the only one who’s been paying close enough attention to bring this story to a close.

It turns out that John Nichols is a hero! All along, selflessly, away from the limelight, he’s been getting out the word and he intimates he’ll do the same in 2005.

Ufot has been thoroughly discredited, it’s not raining frogs, it’s raining Questions. He won’t fall into John’s trap again, there will be no countdown next year.

As for poor Jack Newfield, he feels betrayed, behind his back John’s been gushing over a self-hater. Their relationship may be over, but they’ll always have tikkune.