War of the Words

Reprinted from Bracing Views with the author’s permission.

When Barack Obama took over as president in 2009, the global war on terror, or GWOT, just didn’t seem to fit the tenor of his “hope” and “change” message. So wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were rebranded as “overseas contingency operations.” Talk about the banality of evil! Even Orwell’s Big Brother might be impressed by OCOs as a substitute for invasion and war.

A euphemistic word Obama didn’t banish was “surge.” The “surge” in Iraq allegedly had worked under General David Petraeus, even though its gains proved as “fragile” and “reversible” as Petraeus hinted they would be. So Obama conducted his own surge in Afghanistan, the so-called good or smart war after the Bush/Cheney disaster in Iraq. And of course the “gains” in Afghanistan also proved both fragile and reversible, though no one was held to account for the miserable failure of the Afghan War. Whoops. I mean the Afghan contingency operation for democracy and enduring freedom.

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The Imperial Lamb: America, Israel, and Ritual Substitution

“And for you, here are these ritual substitutes…And may they die, but I will not die.”- Keilschrifturkunden aus Boghazköi XXIV 5 I 15-16

The relationship between the United States Imperial Government (USIG) and the state of Israel is what the kids call “wtf!?”

The dean of the Realist School of foreign policy, John Mearsheimer, put it this way:

“We have a special relationship with Israel that bears no resemblance to any relationship between any two countries in the history of the world.”

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Deranged Lindsey Graham: ‘NUKE Gaza!’

On today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Looking a little worse for wear, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) took to the Sunday talk show circuit to demand that Israel follow the US lead in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and drop a nuclear weapon on Gaza… where some two million civilians still cling to life. Also today: House Republicans actually threw a party to celebrate extending warrantless government spying on Americans! Finally, what kind of Republican Party will we see coming out of the July convention?

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

What Is Self-Determination?

People go on quite a bit about self-determination these days. Some decry the denial of self-determination to “the Palestinians.” Others insist that only “the Jewish people” can have the right to self-determination between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Israel passed a law declaring that principle in 2018.

Unfortunately, I see too little thought behind the term self-determination. What is it? What self are we talking about? What is determination?

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