Look, Zarqawi! Anthrax! Chemicals!

Zarqawi aide arrested in Mosul! Really! Just because Iraqi Minister of State Qassim Dawoud was full of merde when he announced the capture of Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, doesn’t mean he’s always wrong. Right?

Iraqi security adviser Kassim Daoud told a news conference Iraqi national guard soldiers had found a chemical laboratory in the former rebel stronghold of Falluja that was used to “prepare deadly explosives and poisons”, although US Marines in the city were sceptical evidence of the manufacture of chemical weapons had been found.

“They also found in the lab booklets and instructions on how to make bombs and poisons. They even talked about the production of anthrax,” Mr Daoud said.

Mr Daoud also said one of Zarqawi’s lieutenants, who he identified only as Abu Saeed, had been captured a few days ago in Mosul.

I don’t know why anyone reports this stuff, let alone why it’s all over the newswires. You’d think nothing else was going on.

These aren’t the droids you’re looking for….