John Bolton & Plame: Arianna Comes Late to the Party

I see that Arianna Huffington has finally discovered the John Bolton -Plame scandal connection. Of course,’s readers were in on this waaaay back in July:

“After the War Party met in solemn conclave, and the command went out from Cheney: ‘Bring me the head of Joe Wilson!’, there was only one logical place for Cheney’s minions to go. Who in the administration would’ve had access to the specific information regarding Plame-Wilson’s role in a deep-cover CIA operation involving nuclear proliferation? Why, the man who was the State Department deputy secretary in charge of ‘weapons of mass destruction’ – the somewhat irritable if not downright reckless John Bolton, would-be ambassador to the UN, who played a central role in promulgating the Niger Uranium Myth.”

Not to denigrate Arianna’s gossip grapevine as a source of news, but only to point out that it merely confirms what in-the-know cognoscenti read here first.

Now if only Arianna hadn’t kicked me off her blog for not being appreciative enough of Israel — not to mention dissing Huffpuff contributor Mrs. David Frum — Huffpuff’s readers would have had this story months ago.

Oh well, what was that old adage about pearls and swine ….?