Bolton, left-liberals, and the imperial UN

So all the left-liberals who thought that the nomination of Bolton to the UN would mean the death of that organization — that it would unleash the U.S. to dominate the world — should consider Bolton’s latest move: opposing a bill to withhold funds to the UN.

Hmmm. When will left-liberals learn that the United Nations is a fig leaf and puppet for U.S. imperialism, and that, while conservative politicians sometimes attack the UN’s superficial check on U.S. militarism, most of them are perfectly fine using the organization as an instrument of, and excuse for, U.S. global hegemony?

The UN is a threat not just to American sovereignty, but world peace, and has been since it was conceived by the U.S. working with the Soviet Union. When the UN tells the U.S. it can’t bomb, it does so anyway. When it sanctions U.S. aggression, the empire proceeds with the façade of international diplomacy. What a sham the whole thing is. Bolton is right at home with the UN.