Bush & Killing in the Name of Democracy

by | Aug 30, 2006

The Future of Freedom Foundation today posted online the full text of my Freedom Daily article on “Killing in the Name of Democracy.”

The parallels between the rhetoric of Presidents McKinley, Wilson, and others  and Bush’s recent doggerel is stunning.  America has been commiting righteous slaughter in the name of democracy for far longer than most people realize.

Here’s the lead & finish of the piece (which is largely an excerpt from Attention Deficit Democracy):

President George W. Bush perpetually invokes the goal of spreading democracy to sanctify his foreign policy. Unfortunately, he is only the latest in a string of presidents who cloaked aggression in idealistic rhetoric. Killing in the name of democracy has a long and sordid history. …

The greatest gift the United States could give the world is an example that serves as a shining city on a hill. As University of Pennsylvania professor Walter McDougall observed, “The best way to promote our institutions and values abroad is to strengthen them at home.” But there is scant glory for politicians in restraining their urge to “save humanity.” The ignorance of the average American has provided no check on “run amok” politicians and bureaucrats.    ****

Full text of the piece is at http://jimbovard.com/blog/2006/08/30/bush-killing-in-the-name-of-democracy/  where comments & condemnations are welcome