Is bin Laden Training US Military Forces?

by | Sep 9, 2007

Sometimes it seems like it. As the Webmaster for, I get many critical letters every day. I get at least one letter from someone claiming to be a US soldier or veteran who seems to have the same philosophy as bin Laden: “If you don’t agree with us, we will kill you.”

The majority of them contain numerous misspellings and grammatical errors.

This morning I received this note from Maj. J. McCaffery, USMC. I am including the name and email address he gave since he listed it for publication.

Anti-war? Do yall seriously against all military action? I was in Haiti, Afghanistan, and Iraq and I can tell you right now its damn hippies like you who give us a bad name. If I had it my way id take my company straight into your heaquarters and put a end to your damn lies. You have no idea about the good that we do in those countries. All you do is sit your fat ass in a cubicle and read far left bullshit and pass it on a fact. We help more people in those nations than is getting reported. THE US IS NOT THE BAD GUYS. If you hate America so much, please do us all a favor and get the hell out.

~ Maj. J McCaffery USMC

It is such a shame. Many Americans seem willing to adopt the principles of the terrorist enemies: the violent destruction of those who don’t agree with them.

But I will close on a positive note. I received another email yesterday (I am withholding the name in this case, so as not to jeopardize him with the military):

I am an Army officer and a veteran. I am also a Libertarian who supports an isolationist approach to foreign policy. I am leaving the military soon because I am not willing to put my life on the line anymore for this current war. I love your website and agree with your cause. Good luck getting your message out to the world.
~ First Lt. xxxxx