Republicans in the Military Support the Antiwar Candidate

by | Feb 1, 2008

According to the fourth quarter reports, the majority of military contributors supported Ron Paul, the one antiwar candidate in the Republican primaries.

Ron Paul received more contributions from servicemembers than the other three remaining GOP candidates:

Ron Paul – 1349
McCain – 413
Romney – 140
Huckabee – 99

And the Dems:
Obama: 466
Clinton: 181

This follows the same trend that was set in the second and third quarters of last year.

UPDATE: Ron Paul also received more total money from military contributors than all the Democratic candidates combined, or all the Republicans combined. Here are the totals in dollars for each candidate:

Ron Paul $392,721.00
Barack Obama $124,234.00
John S McCain $106,309.00
Hillary Clinton $75,258.00
Fred Thompson $58,373.00
Mike Huckabee $47,376.00
Mitt Romney $43,332.00
Rudolph Giuliani $23,430.00
Bill Richardson $21,175.00
John Edwards $20,711.00
Joseph Biden $10,940.00
Duncan Hunter $9,820.00
Thomas Gerald Tancredo $7,200.00
Samuel Dale Brownback $3,606.00
Dennis J Kucinich $2,952.00
Christopher J Dodd $1,098.00
Mike Gravel $970.00

Thanks to Tex McRae and Jeff Shulman.