26 thoughts on “Ron Paul Easily Reelected to Congress”

    1. Congratulation’s to Dr. Paul. His message of Freedom and Liberty must never be extinguish. To that end I suggest he leads this band of brothers and sister’s in an effort to elect others that believe as we do. He can use the left over money to finance those candidates.

      James D. Jones

  1. Maybe he could buy some time on TV, like Robespierre–I mean, Ross Perot–used to do.

  2. A couple of weeks ago, right in the middle of gum-flapping about liberty, the Constitution, freedom, smaller government, and conservativism going into the wilderness during the McCain/Obama/Clinton era coming up, Sean Hannity took a moment to gleefully report Paul was trailing in a poll in his congressional district.

    Now how can you praise all of those good things above and still despise Paul? Perhaps this poem will clarify (it’s meant to be sung).

    Hooray for Sean Hannity
    Hooray for him at last.
    Hooray for Sean Hannity
    He’s a horse’s ass.

  3. I congratulate Paul and now urge him to make a serious and vociferous effort to advance Kucinich’s motion to impeach Cheney.

    On that one key point being tepid proves the inconsistency in many of his positions.

    There is no other Constitutional remedy for criminals in office save impeachment and removal.

    Without impeachment under the present circumstances, the presidential race is incidental. It will be, in effect, just another Imperial Presidency, which is to say, another step toward Kingship.

    1. Eugene, you are so right. No one is running with anti-corruption as an issue. It’s THE issue. All the other problems stem from it. The pond scum is completely taking over!

      RP has $6M, some of it from me. I believe him but didn’t support him to be a groupie! I want to see these issues gain some prominence and provoke some real action. These principled speeches are wonderful and inspiring and all, but need to go beyond the abstract idealism.
      Impeachment is a wonderful idea.

  4. Great Job Ron Paul! As for the money, I hope he continues to use it to spread his message of sound money, non-interventionism, Liberty, and Responsibility both fiscally and personally. He is one of the only people in the US speaking truth to power. The quicker people wake up to the facts the sooner we can take our country back.

    The Neo-con/Fascists and the Socialists/Liberal/Progressives have us in a vice. We are stuck between two competing powers who are both willing to banckrupt our country, one for wars and one for welfare. They both are willing to sacrifice our rights for thier adjendas. The only way we will escape this trap is to awaken the masses that are currently asleep. Wake up people and reject the Socialists and Fascist. Write in Ron Paul, vote Libertarian, Constitutionalist, Green, or not at all. We need to show that we are actually looking for a change not more of the same greater of two evils.


  5. I’m very happy that Ron Paul has retained his seat in congress. But I think it is time for some bold action. I agree that he should publicly embrace the impeachment of Bush, Cheney, and most of their administration. I also agree that he should spend the money on TV commercials against both unconstitutional wars. To try to continue his presidential bid would only cause the MSM to ridicule him. Instead, he should take the money, along with the 10-15% of the American people that still have the capacity to think, and try to educate the rest of the people as to what is being done in their name and with their money, and to explain to them what the federal reserve has done to their money. If not now, when? It’s late in the fourth quarter and the people need points. The silliness of the current crop (hill, barack, and mcnuts) would be laughable, if not so tragic.

    1. As comfortable as he is tucked away in that obscure House seat he would seem to have a hold on, don’t count on anything particularly bold from Ron Paul, at least nothing more bold than you’ve seen already. A bold person so situated – an honest person – would run as a Libertarian with the views Paul has or an independent and not try to ride the back of Nazis into office. He’s holding money that was intended by his enthusiasts to pay for a presidential run, not to fund some kind of public education project. If he’s not going to run for president he should return that money, that would be the honest thing to do. And what could be more vacuous now than getting behind some kind of impeachment move. With the kind of opposition party the Democrats have been to date, it would be as though some jackass were brandishing a pistol in the Reichstag in June of 1933. Better that Ron stick to the comfortable, grandfatherly posturing to which he’s become so used. That way you’ll be able to keep griping about the tragic crop of candidates we’re offered well into the future.

      1. John Lowell, how could any arrogant little pr#%k possibly know what I “intended” for my contributions? Speaking of vacuous, how’re ya doin’? As for Der Fuerhers Cheney and Bush, impeachment is far too mild a punishment; impeachment, then trial for crimes against humanity, conviction and life in Supermax on 23-hour lockdown.

        1. You’re sure something else, Carter M, making contributions to the Paul campaign that weren’t really “‘intended'” as contributions to the Paul campaign. Why that’s just remarkable, little fella. With stealth – and language – like yours maybe you can manage to turn your next post into something resembling a disappearing act. And as for impeachment, why you just trot right into that Senate chamber and let them know what oughta be. Make sure those arrogant little “pr#%ks” understand that its CharterM that’s doing the talking. That’ll fix ’em.

        2. Constitutionally impeachment is no punishment at all. Nor is it “retrospective” in bent, as a someone who was an attorney and considered himself versed in constitutional law, once tried to tell me.

          The point is to remove criminals from office, which removal is the only penalty, so that: (1) the crimes do not continue; and (2) the office does not interfere with prosecution nor prosecution with the office.

          That is clearly why, in the constitutional context, impeachment is exempt from the protections of jury trial and is not subject to judicial review.

          Structurally, impeaching Cheney at least is in my opinion absolutely necessary for even the remnant of constitutional government to survive, and as far as I am concerned the presidential election, without such impeachment, is trivial.

          Kucinich was way ahead of the curve here, and chose to start with Cheney for obvious reasons, and not only because one wants Cheney as president even less than one wants Bush.

          Rather, by getting rid of the Vice President first, the succession through Speaker of the House, and so forth, designed for emergencies, can be circumvented and the next and interim executive chosen by consensus.

          This is, in effect, the way the near impeachment of Nixon unfolded, with Agnew being removed first, for what looked like, on the surface at least, extraneous offenses.

          Kudos to Paul for being reelected, but without his serious and vociferous support for Kucinich’s impeachment effort, I find his “constitutionalism” very slanted and a bit disingenuous, to say the least.

        3. With all personal respect, Eugene, to persist in employing the methodology of the system in an attempt to correct it, or even to impart a sense of fairness to it, obscures the fundamental fact of its utter depravity. I’d suggest when they are realistic as-long-as-it-takes mass street demonstrations as in Ukraine in 2006 and I’d follow them with a series of public show trials and a second constitutional convention. Given the current economic climate we may not be long in having such remedies at hand. To misplace but not to misapply a comment by A. Hitler in 1941 concerning the Soviet Union, at that time one will need “only to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come tumbling down.” Can we hope?

  6. Good for him — every victory against the Israel lobby, no matter how small, is to be treasured.

  7. John Lowell,

    You sound like you have been eating paint chips with Tim R.

    What exactly have you done for the cause of freedom and helping this nation? I have been quoted in the newspaper, written commentary on behalf of Ron Paul in a major NJ newspaper and recognized as a Hometown Hero along with my wife for our community service. We are out there fighting in the trenches trying to make a difference. Who are you to judge an honest man and condemn him for trying to make a difference? You couldn't like his boots!

    You have plenty to say negatively about Ron Paul but noting constructive. Why don't you get a life and do something positive instead of sounding like an old "washer woman".

    1. “I have been quoted in the newspaper, written commentary on behalf of Ron Paul in a major NJ newspaper and recognized as a Hometown Hero along with my wife for our community service. We are out there fighting in the trenches trying to make a difference.”

      Now those just have to be two of the more stirring testimonies to ones eternal meaning as a human being that I’ve heard offered in some time, son, that you were quoted in a NJ newspaper and have beem recognized as a Hometown Hero for community service! And what’s even more remarkable about them is the humility you bring in reporting them to us. Why I’m sure that on the day the world is consummated, God Himself will plant a great big kiss on your cheek and pin an “Atta Guy” button on your Ron Paul tee shirt.

      Promise you’ll stay right out there fighting in those trenches on our behalf every day, maybe on into the evening if necessary? I mean I simply can’t imagine how we’d manage without you.

      1. Don’t even bother commenting on John Lowell he truly is an idiot without a cause. He spouts this same crap over and over again. I have yet to read one thing by him that furthers any debate in any way.

        John, get a life, get a clue, buy a brain, something, anything, I could go on all day whats the point?

        Go John Go, a Moron without a clue.

        1. Hi Brad guy! Gottcha in a vise, don’t I? I ring the bell, you salivate. Abject slavery I’d call it. Sure you want to go on embarrassing yourself like this? I mean even a politician deserves better than that. Its entirely up to you, little fella.

  8. It’s practically impossible to win an election in this country without media coverage. Except for the Republican debates (which allowed him to participate – not so if he ran as an Independent), we would not have heard the myriad of examples of bad leadership which we are now tethered to.

    Ron Paul in Congress is a voice crying in the wilderness of fraudulent misrepresentations, from the “surge success” to the illegal immigrant problem, to the trade balance, etc.

    Whatever he puts the campaign money, it will an honest and productive cause for truth.

    God bless him.

  9. It’s practically impossible to win an election in this country without media coverage. Except for the Republican debates (which allowed him to participate – not so if he ran as an Independent), we would not have heard the myriad of examples of bad leadership which we are now tethered to.

    Ron Paul in Congress is a voice crying in the wilderness of fraudulent misrepresentations, from the “surge success” to the illegal immigrant problem, to the trade balance, etc.

    Wherever he puts the campaign money, it will be an honest and productive cause for truth.

    God bless him.

  10. John

    At least me and my family try.

    And exactly what are you doing besides making a fool of yourself here in this blog? Nothing, I am sure.

    And Ron Paul is a hero. You are a zero.

  11. Yeah that’s great. McCain still beat him in his home state in the Primaries. If he can’t even win his home state then he can forget about the Presidency.(And I wish he tried harder and concentrated less on Congress because that is a lost cause anyway, considering the vast majority on capitol hill are self-serving corrupt free-loaders who rubber stamp everything that comes their way.

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