Tue., June 10: Tell Congress You Want Dialogue, Not War with Iran

by | Jun 8, 2008

An action alert from the Campaign for a New American Policy on Iran.

The same people who called for attacking Iraq now are raising the drumbeat for military action against Iran. Despite the November 2007 U.S. National Intelligence Estimate concluding that Iran had halted its nuclear weapons program, the Bush administration is bolstering its case for war by labeling Iran one of the greatest threats to American security.

Call your Congressional Representatives on Tuesday, June 10th: 1-800-788-9372

·Tell them to work for direct and comprehensive talks without preconditions between the U.S. and Iran.
·The U.S. and Iran share common interests in a stable Iraq, Middle East and Afghanistan.
·The U.S. pursued negotiations with North Korea and Libya – it’s time to talk with Iran.

Tell your Congressional leaders that you want dialogue, not war!

The Campaign for a New American Policy on Iran (CNAPI) is organizing an innovative “Time to Talk with Iran” event and press conference on Capitol Hill. With the U.S. Capitol as a backdrop, Members of Congress, celebrities, former officials, and other citizens will use a row of 60’s-era red “hotline” telephones to talk directly to ordinary Iranian citizens. Concurrently on June 10, the Campaign is organizing a nationwide Call-in to Congress for Diplomacy with Iran so those outside of DC can participate and make their voice heard. The event on Capitol Hill will be held Tuesday, June 10, 2008, from 10:00 am–1:00 pm EDT; Terrace on the West Side of Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC.

The Campaign for New American Policy on Iran (CNAPI) represents a transpartisan coalition of diverse groups which share the objective of promoting responsible and effective U.S. diplomacy and leadership in resolving long-standing tensions between the U.S. and Iran. Campaign supporters share the basic core beliefs outlined in the mission statement and urge direct, sustained, unconditional and comprehensive talks between the governments of the United States and Iran as a realistic way to resolve all outstanding issues.

Antiwar.com is a partner in the Campaign for New American Policy on Iran.