Uncle Sam’s Devotion to American Soldiers

The above cartoon is from Washington Post cartoonist Tom Toles’ sketchbook today.

Folks should photocopy this cartoon and pass it around audiences when politicians give speeches prattling about their devotions to those “who made the ultimate sacrifice for their nation”…..

13 thoughts on “Uncle Sam’s Devotion to American Soldiers”

  1. Indeed. For all the rhetoric about Arlington being "hallowed ground," the final resting place for "those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in 'defense' of their country," it's pretty obvious where the place stands in terms of the Regime's priorities. I think it's safe to say that the average landfill is more carefully and conscientiously administered than Arlington National Cemetery.

    As for the suggestion to pass copies of this cartoon to war-worshipers and their politician mouthpieces, I wouldn't bother. These creatures have been too thoroughly brainwashed/lobotomized to allow objective reality to alter their viewpoint.

  2. You should see civilian cemeteries. Maybe the warriors are not getting the best possible deal, but it is still better than civilians, which is all Uncle Sam is really obligated to provide.

  3. Really? Except for those Georgian ghouls who stacked the dead in the warehouse, civilian cemetaries accurately match body with name. Too bad military personnel don’t have the brains to do the same.

    How many soldiers realize that butchers such as LBJ, Bush, and Obama don’t give a tinker’s damn about their lives other than as little pawns to push around on a board? Do they think Bush ever rolls over in bed at night and wonders about the men he sent to die (not to mention the civilians slaughtered) for “mistaken” intelligence? No wonder the government doesn’t care enough to track those it got killed.

  4. Somewhere in heaven Robert E. and Mary Custis Lee are having a good laugh over what the buffoons across the Potomac have done to the land the US stole from them after the War of Yankee Aggression. A fitting shrine to Empire, indeed.

    "The consolidation of the states into one vast empire, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it." — Robert E. Lee

  5. Indeed. For all the rhetoric about Arlington being "hallowed ground," the final resting place for "those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in 'defense' of their country," it's pretty obvious where the place stands in terms of the Regime's priorities. I think it's safe to say that the average landfill is more carefully and conscientiously administered than Arlington National Cemetery. houston thanksgiving limo

  6. Great and creative works. Perhaps this should work more on the photocopy and spread so many people know who have made sacrifices for their nation.

  7. You should see civilian cemeteries. Maybe the warriors are not getting the best possible deal, but it is still better than civilians, which is all Uncle Sam is really obligated to provide.

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