Saudi ‘Threat’ to Fund Mubarak

Via Matt Drudge, the Times of London reports:

“Saudi Arabia has threatened to prop up President Mubarak if the White House tries to force a swift change of regime in Egypt. In a testy personal telephone call on January 29, King Abdullah told President Obama not to humiliate Mr Mubarak and warned that he would step in to bankroll Egypt if the US withdrew its aid programme, worth $1.5 billion annually.”

This is a “threat”? Sounds more like they’re offering to do us a favor. Well then, that settles it — the Saudis want to take Mubarak off our hands and are willing to foot the bill. Why don’t we take them up on their offer?

Now if only we could get someone to unload the Israelis on, that would save us another $3 billion annually.

10 thoughts on “Saudi ‘Threat’ to Fund Mubarak”

  1. .
    $3 Billion a year to Israel ?
    You must only be counting military weapons. The actual total, aggregating contributions buried in the budgets of a dozen agencies, is over $7 Billion a year.

    1. And when you add the tax deductible transfers of monies from the wealthy Jewish Americans to Israel, its more llike $15 billion a year. Israelis are a kept people and like it that way. If the rest of the world will gift you with per capita income that is greater than that earned by over 100 other countries in the world, why not sit back and enjoy it. When will that country earn its keeping?

      1. The USG/MIC, Mafia Industrial Complex, with its FORCED CONTRIBUTION, USG withholding taxes, for Israel and the tax deductible money transfers enable Israel to have socialized medicine subsidized by the US taxpayers and voted on by Congress. The Congress of the USG votes to subsidize socialized medicine while as we write the Repubican Congress is working feverishly to repeal health care for American by not funding it. The Repubican Congress screams to high heaven if asked to provide 1 ten cent aspirin for American, whining about socialized communist dictatorship taking over the universe.

  2. Satrap Abdullah is the enemy of Arabs and Muslims willing to finance their humiliation. Egyptian people are defending their dignity, hopefully the Saudis rise up and chose dignity and solidarity with their brothers over bribes from Anglo-Zionist satrap.

  3. Over 60% of Saudia Arabians live under the poverty line.That $1.5 Billion proposal could go along way in helping the poor.

  4. On the "divine rights" of Pharaohs and Arabian Kings…
    golly King Big Nose, don't threaten our world with a good time. You wanna pony up for Boss Hos well, do it there Kingy boy.
    Gosh, Boss Hos barely makes ends meet now. What with a miserly $70 billion dollars and that is USD, stashed away somewhere. Hmmm, maybe in Swiss-er-land.Yeah, maybe.

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