Speech “Fell Short, Lacked Substance”

No, this is not a judgment on Obama’s gas-bagging on Monday night.

Instead, that is the State Department’s verdict on a speech today by Syria’s “President” Bashar al-Assad.

After all the BS the Obama administration has shoveled, one would think that U.S. officials would be a bit circumspect before snipping about other leaders’ tripe.

4 thoughts on “Speech “Fell Short, Lacked Substance””

  1. Rumor has it that the Obama speechifying on Monday night was some world class 'projectile flatulence'. Having NOT watched the Obama oration/pontification, well, I think I'll just have to believe the "rumors." Oh yeah.
    By the by, ANY "verdict" vomited forth by our inglorious State Department must automatically be categorized (and summarily rejected) as disingenuous bulls*#t. For obvious reasons.

  2. Teh State Department sez: "Our bloviating blowhards do it longer and harder than yours."

  3. The State Dept. will probably not be braving an opinion on Assad's treatment of suspected leakers.

  4. South of the weather for the growth of weeds, where the grass will not format a couple of months they grow quickly, to help me the next time we see more of the old squad leader.

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