Turkey Invites Twitter to Open an Office They Can Crack Down On

by | Jun 27, 2013

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has made no bones about his view of Twitter as a threat to his regime, dubbing it a “danger to society.” Other officials in his government ruled Twitter “deadlier than car bombs.”

Twitter sure could make some Turkish officials angry, but since the company has no presence in Turkey there is literally nothing that Erdogan could do. He’s hoping to change that.

Turkey’s Communications Minister Binali Yildrim is calling on Twitter to open an office somewhere in Turkey so that the next time they get mad at them they can go someplace inside Turkey to do something about it.

Needless to say, Twitter is seen as unlikely to open an office in Turkey just so they employees can be threatened face-to-face next time Erdogan gets mad.