China Surpasses the US

by | May 9, 2014

The numbers are in. For the first quarter of 2o14 the U.S. economy showed virtually no growth at all. At the same time the World Bank says that China is about to surpass the U.S. as the world’s largest economy. On The Weekly Podcast, Ron Paul and Charles Goyette talk about the harm that has been done to American economic dynamism by the welfare – warfare state and the government’s fiat money regime.

Listen here.

Charles Goyette is New York Times Bestselling Author of The Dollar Meltdown and Red and Blue and Broke All Over: Restoring America’s Free Economy. Check out Goyette and Paul’s national radio commentary: Ron Paul’s America and the Ron Paul and Charles Goyette Weekly Podcast. Goyette also edits The Freedom and Prosperity Letter.