The Suez Canal: Lessons About the Deep State’s Interventionist Talking Points

Thanks to maritime engineers and salvage crews – with a lift from the full moon and the tides – that Japanese-owned container ship that was wedged across the Suez Canal for about a week has finally been freed. A backlog of 400 stranded ships has cleared and normal transit operations have resumed.

But a much longer shutdown of the 120-mile-long waterway years ago provides us a means to deconstruct one of the US Deep State’s most pernicious talking points.

In writing about the ending of the American Global Military Empire in our new book The Last Gold Rush… Ever!, my co-author Bill Haynes and I chose to make an example of this endlessly repeated but seldom questioned assertion, one used to justify a continuous, across-the-board escalation of military spending. It is applied today especially to the South China Sea: that the US Empire is required “to keep the sea lanes open.”

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The McCain Malady

You know you are in the presence of an emotional affect when there is not even the pretense of rationality to someone’s crazed outburst, not so much as a veneer or patina of sensibility.

But then John McCain has always been like that, hotheaded and short-fused.

Still, in his response to Trump’s executive order on refugees, McCain’s deep disturbance is plain for all to see. The Senator’s hometown newspaper headlined its account this way: “McCain calls ban good for ISIS propaganda.”

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Ron Paul on ISIS: Another Chapter in the Forever War

Even though the U.S. has been warring in Iraq for 24 years now, The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs says the war there and in Syria against ISIS could go another four years. That is a wildly arbitrary guess since so far, the longer we have been at war in the region the more the jihadist resistance has grown.

This week on the Podcast Ron Paul says that the firing of Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is bad news in light of the wildly hawkish new members of the Senate. Together the latest developments spell a more active war with more spending and more killing.

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Charles Goyette is New York Times Bestselling Author of The Dollar Meltdown and Red and Blue and Broke All Over: Restoring America’s Free Economy. Goyette also edits The Freedom and Prosperity Letter.

Ron Paul on Boots on the Ground

President Obama has ordered 1500 more troops to Iraq, doubling down on the U.S. presence already there. And while the question of the constitutionality of this move in the absence of a war declaration is an important one, Ron Paul reminds us that the question of the morality of the war should be confronted even before that.

This week on the Podcast Ron Paul and Charles Goyette question whether the American people would support endless wars of empire if they had any idea just how far reaching the U.S. global military presence is or if they understood the confusion and contradictions implicit in U.S. foreign policy.

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Charles Goyette is New York Times Bestselling Author of The Dollar Meltdown and Red and Blue and Broke All Over: Restoring America’s Free Economy. Goyette also edits The Freedom and Prosperity Letter.

Ron Paul on Blowback in Canada

In the 60’s and 70’s Canada was a haven for young me who were resisting the calamitous Vietnam War. Now Canada’s leaders, having participated with the U.S. in 13 years of interventionist warfare in the Mideast, pronounce themselves shocked at being the victims of blowback.

This week on the Podcast Ron Paul and Charles Goyette talk about blowback, and why discussing the motivation for terrorism is conflated with justifying terrorism. Sometimes it is simply intellectual confusion, but often it is a deliberate attempt to control and shut down debate. Dr. Paul wonders why criminal investigations are quite sensibly concerned with motivation, but inquiring into the motivations of those who react to our foreign wars and occupations should be considered the violation of a social taboo.

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Charles Goyette is New York Times Bestselling Author of The Dollar Meltdown and Red and Blue and Broke All Over: Restoring America’s Free Economy. Goyette also edits The Freedom and Prosperity Letter.

Ron Paul on An Ill Wind – The Draft and National Service

Statist politicians of both the left and the right – John McCain, Robert Reich, Charley Rangel – keep asserting a claim the lives of young people. And if conscription into the military creates resistance, they are always ready with something called "national service."

This week on the Podcast, Ron Paul calls mandatory national service not just anti-liberty, but un-American. And has anybody in Washington bothered to read the 13th Amendment which forbids "involuntary servitude"?

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Charles Goyette is New York Times Bestselling Author of The Dollar Meltdown and Red and Blue and Broke All Over: Restoring America’s Free Economy. Check out Goyette and Paul’s national radio commentary: Ron Paul’s America. Goyette also edits The Freedom and Prosperity Letter.