More US Troops To Afghanistan: Ron Paul Asks Will A New ‘Surge’ Work?

In late 2009, President Obama brought US troop levels in Afghanistan up to 100,000. This “surge” was modeled after the “successful” US surge in Iraq. Ultimately both failed, but the surge planners like General Petraeus are still being listened to as “serious” figures. Now, 16 years into the war in Afghanistan, we are witnessing a slow-motion surge. Some 300 US Marines are on their way to the “graveyard of empires” and the Commander of US troops in Afghanistan is on record requesting a “few thousand” more. Will another surge achieve what the previous surges have failed to achieve? We take a look at why the war on Afghanistan was lost long ago in today’s Ron Paul Liberty Report:

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity.

2 thoughts on “More US Troops To Afghanistan: Ron Paul Asks Will A New ‘Surge’ Work?”

  1. Simple. Afghanistan is bordered by Russia, Iran, Pakistan, and China. It’s also a place that’s custom made for Emperors to casually “lose track of” soldiers, equipment and money. Lots of money, unattended by any other than thieves. The warmonger version of Heaven.

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