Glenn Greenwald Quits The Intercept

This morning Glenn Greenwald announced he is quitting The Intercept, the publication he co-founded in 2013.

Greenwald had been increasingly at odds with most of the staff over their embrace of RussiaGate and the “pathologies, illiberalism, and repressive mentality” of the outlet.

“The final, precipitating cause is that The Intercept’s editors, in violation of my contractual right of editorial freedom, censored an article I wrote this week, refusing to publish it unless I remove all sections critical of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, the candidate vehemently supported by all New-York-based Intercept editors involved in this effort at suppression.”

Read the rest of the article at Greenwald’s new home at Substack.

19 thoughts on “Glenn Greenwald Quits The Intercept

  1. Remembering when James Risen joined the Intercept a few years ago and his writing was pure establishment b.s. At the time i wondered how a true journalist like Greenwald would allow that at what essentially was originally his publication. Interesting that he’s getting out… and proves to me he cares more about journalism than toeing the establishment line. Good for Greenwald!

  2. “Cancel culture” is not an invention of student radicals, nor even the most noxious form. It’s the SOP of every regnant ideology under threat and insecure. How much longer will Antiwar & co. find sufferance?

    1. No, Bidengate will be the post-2020 Election response of Republicans, exactly the same as Russiagate was for Republican-Lites of Team Hillary.

  3. Can he take the Snowden files with him or is that the property of the oligarch that owns the Intercept?..

    1. The Snowden files were released to Greenwald when he was at the Guardian, before The Intercept started.

    1. Pat was never ejected from TAC. When he co-founded TAC, he never intended to run it, so his involvement . TAC has run his columns continuously, as has run his foreign policy writings (Pat spoke at a 2000 conference and has been a supporter since our founding). You can see Pat’s current archive at TAC and read every one of his columns there.

      1. TAC updates there page once or twice a day, and I check it at least that often. I have seen his columns there every single time. I certainly know how often he writes, we get it in the mail and post it on (if it’s about foreign policy).

        I have been friends with Pat since him 1992 presidential race which I worked on.

    2. TAC got rid of Phil Giraldi’s columns also. I have to go to Unz Review to get his columns. I see that they still have some of Buchanan’s old columns that you can get into when you search through the columnist’s section.

    1. I don’t think he has. He doesn’t pay attention to party affiliation which is rare. I really started liking him when he was just as critical about Obama as he was with Bush.

  4. The laptop is not dubiously-sourced.

    The emails on it have been verified by several recipients. No one involved have denied the authenticity, and Joe Biden’s only response is that it is Russian propaganda. You should actually read Greenwald’s article when he publishes it shortly. I’ve read it and he makes a compelling case.

  5. Oct 29, 2020 Famous Journalist RESIGNS After Outlet Censors Biden Scandal, SLAMS The Leftist Censorship In News

    The publication is very progressive and anti Trump. Glenn Greenwald is a world renowned and famous journalist know for publishing the NSA leaks.

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