Dave DeCamp Interviews Khalil Sayegh: Plight of the Palestinian Christian Community in Gaza

Antiwar.com News Editor Dave DeCamp interviews Khalil Sayegh about the plight of the Palestinian Christian community in Gaza. Sayegh, a Christian from Gaza, shares his personal experience, including the loss his family has suffered in this horrific conflict. He also discusses the situation for Palestinian Christians in the West Bank and the broader context of the Israeli occupation.

Kevin Gosztola Interviews Dave DeCamp: War Drags On In Ukraine As State Department-Linked Group Blacklists Antiwar Opponents

Please enjoy this free version of the weekly “Unauthorized Disclosure” podcast.

This week, Dave DeCamp, the news editor for Antiwar.com and host of the daily podcast “Antiwar News”, appears on “Unauthorized Disclosure” to discuss the latest in the war in Ukraine and a list that a United States State Department-linked group put together, which smeared Antiwar News and hundreds of foreign policy experts, politicians, journalists, and media organizations.

David and Kevin describe the absurd nature of this list and particularly how it blames nearly 400 individuals and groups for stalling U.S. military aid to Ukraine. They additionally ask, why did this group put out a list now?

President Joe Biden’s administration has fueled escalations in the war by authorizing Ukraine to launch attacks against targets inside Russia with U.S. weapons. Given recent developments – and especially because groups like this State Department-linked NGO don’t want us to have this conversation, Dave and Kevin spend the rest of the episode discussing what is at stake as the war drags on.

Congressman Gaetz and Senator Vance Probe State Department’s Role in Ukraine ‘Enemies List’

News release from Rep. Matt Gaetz office:

Washington, D.C. — Today, U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz (FL-01) and U.S. Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) sent a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken requesting information about a State Department-linked Ukrainian NGO that published a list of Americans, labeled as “Trumpists to Communists” and including 116 Republican Representatives and 21 Republican Senators, who oppose further spending on Ukraine.

Last week, Texty.org.ua, a Ukrainian non-governmental organization founded and led by a State Department-sponsored individual, published a database listing American activists, media personalities, news outlets, and politicians opposed to providing more American taxpayer dollars to Ukraine. The letter requests that Secretary Blinken provide information regarding the use of U.S. taxpayer money by the State Department to target sitting Members of Congress based on their votes against further funding for Ukraine.

Continue reading “Congressman Gaetz and Senator Vance Probe State Department’s Role in Ukraine ‘Enemies List’”

Every Dollar Will Be Matched – Support Antiwar.com Today

We have good news! A group of our generous friends has raised $40,000 to support Antiwar.com. But we need to match that number in individual donations to secure the funds and get closer to our goal of $100,000.

In the face of the new bipartisan $95 billion war bill, we have our work cut out for us. Antiwar.com’s editors and contributors have been busy providing critical coverage and analysis of the US-backed Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, the proxy war in Ukraine, the new Cold War with China, and other hotspots around the world.

To continue this vital work, we need your help. Antiwar.com is able to maintain its uncompromising, independent editorial line because we are funded by our readers. We will also never put our content behind a paywall, so the information we provide can be shared far and wide.

This is an opportunity to double your support for Antiwar.com to help us fight against the War Party and continue being a thorn in the side of the US Empire.

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Help Antiwar.com Fight Against This Madness

Dear Antiwar.com Reader,

Did you watch any of the Congressional session on Saturday? I’ve been watching these things regularly since I was a kid, and I have literally never seen anything like it.

US lawmakers passed a raft of legislation containing some $95 billion in military aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, and also approved a bill that will allow Washington to hand Kiev assets seized from Russia and pave the way for a ban on TikTok.

They considered all four war bills in a single debate, with only three House members allowed to speak in opposition. They allowed voting on only seven amendments for all four bills combined. Usually the voting is “limited” to 15 minutes, but that is not enforced and often goes for 30-40 minutes. But this time, the voting time limit on each bill was for FIVE MINUTES, strictly enforced. For the seven amendments, the time limit for each was for TWO MINUTES!

The Taiwan bill is for $8 billion, but it allows the President to divert those funds to Ukraine. Part of the Ukraine money is technically a loan, but Ukraine’s government is allowed to pay that back with stolen Russian assets.

The entire thing lasted only a little over three hours. After the Ukraine vote, the House broke into chants praising Ukraine and many of them waved Ukraine flags. It was surreal.

We need to stop this madness. Please help us with a donation to assist us in our effort to inform Americans about the wars and threats to our liberty. All contributions are tax-deductible in the US.

Thank you,

Eric Garris
Director, Antiwar.com

Please make your tax-deductible donation today!

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