From our friends at Due Dissidence: A social media bot trained to promote Israel went rogue and began doing just the opposite.
Kelley Vlahos Interviews Scott Horton: Provoked: How Washington Started the New Cold War
As the Ukraine War heads into its third year, it is clear that the grinding military battle has not resulted in a clear path to victory for either side, despite all efforts — including billions of dollars of weapons and aid — by the West to destroy the Russian...
Bob Costello: Farewell to my dear old friend, RIP
I just found out that my old friend Bob Costello died in late November. Bob and I met in the late 1970s in the Libertarian Party. We worked closely at the San Francisco Montgomery Street complex that included the LP, Libertarian Review, Cato Institute, and Students...
Fund Peace, Not War
Dear Loyal Reader: Tired of your tax money going to support wars in Yemen, Ukraine, or maybe Iran? When you give to and you’re an American taxpayer, your donation is tax-deductible. If you make your donation by Tuesday, December 31, you can...
Overwhelming Evidence of US Pushing Ukraine Into War With Russia: Ted Snider Interview columnist Ted Snider is interviewed by Pascal Lottaz at Neutrality Studies. An excellent dialogue on the causes of the Ukraine conflict:
Col. Daniel Davis Refutes Mitch McConnell’s ‘Isolationist’ Smear
Foreign Affairs just published an article by Senator Mitch McConnell: "The Price of American Retreat: Why Washington Must Reject Isolationism and Embrace Primacy." Col. Daniel Davis does a great job refuting his falsehoods and explains the errors of current US foreign...
Candace Owens Interviews USS Liberty Attack Survivor
In 1967, an American Navy spy ship came under attack by Israeli fighter jets and torpedo boats. The attack on the USS Liberty left 34 US sailors dead and 171 wounded. Israel claimed (and most official US government sources agree) that it was a case of mistaken...
Candace Owens Interviews Scott Horton About Syria, Gaza, Israel, and the War on Terror
Candace Owens interviewed editorial director Scott Horton for two hours on the subjects of Syria, Gaza, the US-Israel relationship and their roots in the war on terror. The interview was great and very informative.
Dave DeCamp Video: Are We Headed Toward World War III? news editor Dave DeCamp appeared on Crisis Magazine's podcast Crisis Point, hosted by Eric Sammons. Crisis is a Catholic publication founded in 1982 by leading Catholic intellectuals. It was a fascinating interview about how Dave came to and...
Tucker Carlson Interviews Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has not spoken with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov since 2021. The Secretary of State is supposed to be America's top diplomat. Instead, Blinken has served as an advocate for war with Russia, refusing to engage...