House Passes NDAA: More Republicans Than Democrats Vote Against Military Budget

Jimmy Dore reports:

6 thoughts on “House Passes NDAA: More Republicans Than Democrats Vote Against Military Budget”

  1. Just as not a single Democrat voted against the 2019 NATO Support Act, aka Nuclear War with Russia Act. Ocasio-Cortez and the Squad and Illinois’ progressive newcomer Jesus Garcia may have cast their maiden votes in the House for that act.

  2. What we have is a warfare/welfare party with two wings. To think otherwise is to be beyond gullible. The democrats NEVER met a war they didn’t like….especially if a democrat president was waging it, and they need to give Biden all the money they can to wage these and all the new ones he has been told to start.

  3. Those gop voting against were simply trump deadenders. Base names, social media revenge are trumps goals, not anything antiwar.

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