9 thoughts on “Scott Ritter and Ray McGovern on Ukraine”

  1. February 12, 2022 Top U.S. European/NATO commander sends F-15s to Poland, F-16s to Romania, nuclear-capable B-52s to Britain

    These are the five most recent stories on the website of U.S. European Command, which shares its top commander, General Tod Wolters, with NATO as the latter’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe.


    1. All sitting ducks for the S-500, so this is just being done for show. There is literally nothing the US and NATO can do against Russia if a conflict in Ukraine breaks out (short of launching nukes, which isn’t going to happen.)

      1. I remember a few years ago when the Russians deployed their S-300s. “Boy, the US and Israelis are in for it NOW! They’ll be shot out of the sky!”

        Three years later: “The Russians really need to deploy their S-400s in Syria. THAT will show the US and the Israelis!”

        Now: “All sitting ducks for the S-500 …”

  2. There is zero likelihood of Russia “invading” Ukraine. There is a very high likelihood of Ukraine – or the US/UK CIA/MI6 inside Ukraine – conducting a provocation of some sort in order to induce Russia to respond.

    Whether Russia responds inside or just over the border of Ukraine is also not certain. Russia could simply support the Donbass militias from over the border and via air power rather than insert more troops inside Ukraine. They could also directly arm the Donbass militias with more substantial weapons. The Duma will be considering doing that, although Russian officials discount it. There is also considerations in the Duma about recognizing the Donbass as independent states, which I suspect won’t fly.

    1. You are correct and here is proof Richard.

      Sep 9, 2016 US-funded Ukrainian army is terrorizing civilians

      Russell Bentley is a former US marine, that now fights for the Donbass, Eastern Ukraine, against the US-funded Ukrainian army.


  3. Wow, listening to it now. Ray actually acknowledges that Biden is “unpredictable” and that his own administration might sabotage whatever he wants to do. What have I been talking about? That the CIA and neocons are in control of the situation. Ray suggests Sullivan and Blinken are concealing the reality from Biden, which I agree is a real possibility.

    Scott says Russia is in charge of the situation (and overall, he’s right.) In reality, the only people in charge are the ones on the ground who can move forces. But Scott is also right when he says Biden is the dangerous one because Biden is out of his depth and only interested in perceptions rather than realities.

    1. I think the situation with Biden is actually worse than that. What is really suspicious is that Biden seemed much more ‘ with it ‘ before moving into the White House. Now he is clearly a broken down wreck with some form of Alzheimers . I suspect he has been slipped a whole program of ‘ Mickies ‘ to make him more maleable.

  4. false flag
    false flag
    so high
    so high
    bright blue red and white
    but who cares
    as long as $ is made
    morons salute
    idiots play
    its a game
    just a game
    for $ doncha know
    just ask che

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