Conflicts of Interest: American Sanctions and NATO Weapons Escalate War in Ukraine

On COI #243, Kyle Anzalone discusses the latest updates in Ukraine.

Kyle also breaks down the war’s impact on Yemen.

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2 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: American Sanctions and NATO Weapons Escalate War in Ukraine”

  1. Thank you, very much, Kyle for the breakdown. I’m very concerned about where all of this might lead and as always, concerned about possible escalations…

  2. If Hitler had of been able, would he have blown up the world rather then go down in defeat ? That’s what nuclear deterrent is all about right, and we are calling Putin an unstable maniac but at the same time acting like he doesn’t have the ability to push the button. We are either crazy if we believe what we are saying about Mister Putin and continue down this path of confrontation or we are just full of it and really don’t believe he is the monster we say he is and has lagitimate security concerns.

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