Conflicts of Interest: Out of Control American Military Spending Tops Next 11 Countries Combined

On COI #413, Kyle Anzalone discusses how the US outspends its rivals and still feels unprepared for war.

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5 thoughts on “Conflicts of Interest: Out of Control American Military Spending Tops Next 11 Countries Combined”

  1. The US spend more than 2x as China does which is the worlds’ 2nd largest military spender. 1 of the reasons the former USSR was dissolved was that it spent way more on the military than anything else. NATO thinks the war in Ukraine will bankrupt Russia but thinks the USA can go on forever with its military spending & never ending wars.

    1. Ever since 1980, U.S. workers have been getting screwed financially, because their pay hasn’t kept up with the cost of living. That’s not a bad thing, as Americans were hyperconsumers destroying the planet even back then, but this is how empires end. The U.S. has spent over $100 billion that we know of on its proxy war in Ukraine, yet we have people sleeping under every bridge in all major urban areas. This isn’t sustainable, though I have no idea how long the total collapse of the U.S. empire will take.

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